APL teams are tapping the power of augmented reality and other innovative tools and techniques to develop technology that could help first responders provide emergency care in mass casualty or other catastrophic events.


Responding to growing national health challenges

Johns Hopkins APL is transforming health care by bringing significant new data analytics and systems engineering capability to the field of medicine that will enhance the nation’s ability to predict, prevent, and detect illness and injury.

Related Projects

APL is developing environmental risk assessment tools that can be readily integrated into the Nett Warrior combat situational awareness platform. (U.S. Army)

Army Environmental Health Research

APL and the U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research are developing capabilities to detect, assess, and prevent effects from exposure to toxic materials—focusing especially on ways to prevent acute and chronic health effects through new biological technologies.
Learn more about Army Environmental Health Research
Flu vaccine

Durable and Portable Therapeutics Production

APL experts have made significant strides in developing methods for portable production of vaccines and other therapeutics, enabling production on demand in remote locations and during emergency outbreaks.
Learn more about Durable and Portable Therapeutics Production
James Johnson and Danielle Nachman in APL’s PFAS research laboratory.

Eliminating Forever Chemicals

Multiple studies have linked PFAS exposure to harmful health effects in humans and animals, and without a natural way to break them down, the chemicals persist in soil and contaminate the environment — including water. APL scientists are developing several technologies to capture and destroy these “forever chemicals.”
Learn more about Eliminating Forever Chemicals
A myESSENCE dashboard example using simulated data.

Health Surveillance

APL’s leadership in electronic disease surveillance, both at home and abroad, is making a difference on the front lines of protecting the health of a population.
Learn more about Health Surveillance
Brain (Credit: Bigstock)

Mapping the Brain for Machine Learning

APL leads several test and evaluation efforts for the Intelligence Advanced Research Projects Activity’s Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONs) project, launched to develop state-of-the-art machine-learning capabilities by modeling how the brain processes information.
Learn more about Mapping the Brain for Machine Learning
Johnny Matheny uses APL's Modular Prosthetic Limb (MPL) to take a drink

Revolutionizing Prosthetics

Revolutionizing Prosthetics is an ambitious multiyear program—funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—to create a neurally controlled artificial limb that will restore near-natural motor and sensory capability to upper-extremity amputee patients.
Learn more about Revolutionizing Prosthetics
Health systems

The Systems Approach to Saving Lives

APL’s thought leaders are stirring discussions on the importance of taking a systems approach to health care.
Learn more about The Systems Approach to Saving Lives

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