STEM Academy

Student and Parent Expectations

Student Code of Conduct

GRITAPL’s STEM Academy provides a fun, safe, and encouraging environment for students. Our student code of conduct, GRIT, is as follows:

Good Citizen: STEM Academy students exhibit the following traits of good citizens:

  1. Being respectful of other people and their property (including APL property)
  2. Following STEM Academy rules
  3. Displaying good character (responsibility, honesty, good listening, kindness)

Resourceful: STEM Academy students are resourceful and are able to deal skillfully and promptly with new situations and difficulties.

Innovative: STEM Academy students are innovative thinkers who use their creativity to solve problems that will make their world a better place.

Tenacious: STEM Academy students are tenacious learners, meaning they do not stop trying and want to improve.

Student Policies

STEM students

In each session, students are expected to:

  1. Attend 10 of the 12 classes
    • If students are more than 15 minutes late or leave more than 15 minutes early, they will be marked absent.
    • Contact in the event of any absences.
  2. Participate in each class
    • For virtual classes, cameras must be turned on and show the student’s face. Students also must have audio capabilities and respond to instructors when called on.
    • All homework assignments must be completed (if the course requires homework to track student progress and determine understanding of material covered).
  3. Complete their final projects for the STEM Expo and complete the end-of-session survey
    • Final projects must be original student work.

APL’s STEM Academy may impose disciplinary consequences for conduct that interferes with the educational environment. This could include anything from a warning to dismissal from the program. No refund will be given in the event of expulsion.

Cheating, plagiarizing, or other acts of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. We will investigate every suspected instance of academic dishonesty, and if such behavior is determined to have occurred, the consequences are as follows:

  1. For the first offense, the student will not earn a certificate for the course and will have to repeat the course.
  2. For the second offense, the student will be dismissed from APL’s STEM Academy program and will be ineligible to enroll in future STEM Academy courses.

Parent Code of Conduct

Applicants are responsible for properly completing the application, sending supporting documentation, and checking the status of materials sent by third parties. Applicants and their parents/guardians agree to treat all APL staff with respect and to avoid disruptive behavior. Failure to adhere to these conditions may result in removal of the applicant from the current and/or future applicant pool at APL’s discretion.

Adding/Dropping a Course

STEM students in classroom

Dropping/Withdrawing From a Course

Students can drop a course/withdraw at any time during a session. Refunds will only be issued during the first two weeks of the fall and spring sessions.

Switching/Adding a Course

Students can switch to a different course or add an additional course ONLY IF (1) the course they are interested in is not full and (2) there are no students on the waitlist for the course. STEM Academy courses have limited spaces available, and many fill up quickly. There is no switching/adding after the first two weeks of the fall and spring sessions.

Contact as soon as possible if you are interested in dropping or adding a course.