APL Colloquium

December 9, 2011

Colloquium Topic: The Hart Prizes for Excellence in Independent Research and Development

The overall goal for the IR&D Program is to help position the Laboratory to make critical contributions to critical challenges in current and planned business areas through research and development. The Hart Prizes were established to recognize significant contributions to the Laboratory’s IR&D Program. This colloquium features the two IR&D Projects recently selected in 2011 to receive the Hart Prizes for excellence in research and development for FY2010.

Colloquium Speaker: 2011 Hart Prize Winners

Research: Andrew Feldman, Jeffrey Lin, Plamen Demirev, Ariel Greenberg, Sean Murphy, Keith Rebello, Thomas Mehoke, Ashok Sivakumar, Charles Young, Nathan Hagan, Mekbib Astatke

Development: Jerry Bath, Adam Miller, Carol Nolf, Carlos Alfonso, Russ Garrett, Steve Kahn, Richard Bourgeois, John Zouck, Marge McGarry, Ana Bento, Julie Farmer, Katie Mackey