APL Colloquium

January 22, 2010

Colloquium Topic: Extremist Jihadi Social Networks

The Internet is the platform of choice for extremist activities of most any type. Usama Bin Laden indicated long ago that 90% of the battle is information. In this discussion, we’ll take a look at extremist jihadi groups using Web 2.0 technology as methods for information dissemination, recruitment, product development, and propaganda while examining their use of our security tools that are hacked and cracked. Extremist Jihadis use of the Internet has expanded from vBulletin to the use of Facebook, Twitter, BlipTV, YouTube, Google Groups and other online media. Extremist Jihadis show a growing understanding of the critical role that information technology plays in the day-to-day operations of our economy and national security. Their recruitment efforts have expanded to include young people studying mathematics, computer science and engineering. They tap into disaffected Westerners who have adopted their perverted version of Islam as well as leveraging disillusioned Muslims who have move to the West. The Internet serves as the entry point for a process of radicalization that can lead to operational execution as exhibited by recent events in the United States. How does one prepare when facing an enemy who uses all our technologies and tools against us? How do we learn from their expert use of what we have developed for non-malicious use? Jihadis learn in our universities; incorporate our technology in their use of our virtual tools and turn the tools into methods of attack, obfuscation, and deception that will only continue. This session will take you through the actual sites analyzed over the past year; their publishing techniques and tools for information dissemination that becomes viral.

Colloquium Speaker: Jeffrey S. Bardin

Jeffrey S. Bardin is Vice President, Chief Security Officer for ITSolutions, located in Silver Spring, Maryland. Since 1982, Jeff has worked in leadership positions at both corporate and government organizations such as EMC, Investors Bank & Trust, Hanover Insurance Group, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, General Electric, Lockheed Martin, Marriott International, the United States Air Force and the United States Army National Guard. In 2007 he was awarded the RSA Conference award for Excellence in the Field of Security Practices. The Bardin-led security team from Hanover Insurance also won the 2007 SC Magazine Award – Best Security Team competing against such organizations as Barclays Global and the Department of State. Jeff sits on the Customer Advisory Board, Chosen Security; is on the Board of Directors, Boston Infragard; was a founding member of the Cloud Security Alliance; and sits on the RSA Conference Submission Selection Committee. Jeff served in the USAF as a cryptologic linguist (overseas and at the NSA), the USANG as an armor officer (armored scout platoon). He has BA in Special Studies - Middle East Studies & Arabic Language from Trinity College as well as a MS in Information Assurance from Norwich University. Jeff also holds the CISSP, CISM and NSA-IAM certifications.