
Government Employee Fellowship Program

APL’s Government Employee Fellowship Program (GEFP) offers you tailored work experiences through immersion into one or more of our research and development programs.

While at APL, you will have an opportunity to conduct research, expand your systems engineering capabilities, and develop your leadership skills. Through direct exposure to advanced technologies and concepts, you will be tackling the most difficult and impactful issues facing our nation. You will gain insight into best practices in research, exploratory development, systems engineering and analysis, and program management, and you will be able to establish a valuable network of resources.

Working in APL’s Dynamic Environment

The work done at APL spans multiple domains—from the ocean floor to outer space and cyberspace. APL’s success in making critical contributions to critical challenges comes from our broad range of technical competencies, unique design methodologies, and robust systems development strategies.

APL utilizes the best technologies—or develops new ones—to deliver cutting-edge, innovative solutions to meet the needs of our nation. As a GEFP fellow, you will have an opportunity to improve your expertise in areas such as:

  • Command and Control
  • Combat Systems
  • Testing and Evaluation
  • Unmanned and Autonomous Systems
  • Submarine Operations and Security
  • Information Assurance and Cyber Warfare
  • Intelligence Acquisition
  • Asymmetric Warfare Systems
  • Advanced Prosthetics
  • Space Science and Engineering
  • Communications and Networked Systems
  • Fundamental Research
  • Systems Engineering and Analysis
  • Program and Project Management

Partnering With APL

Once you are selected as a GEFP fellow, a no-cost partnership agreement is established between APL and your federal government agency. You will be assigned to work at APL for a specified period as short as 2 months or as long as 12 months. During that time, you will be assigned an APL mentor and rapidly integrated into our work environment. Daily collaborations with our staff will prepare you for working on our most pressing national challenges.

Participation Information

  • Military or civilian government employees may participate.
  • You must be nominated by your government agency.
  • No funds are exchanged between APL and your federal government agency.
  • You remain a government employee, and your agency continues to pay federal salary and benefits.
  • You remain subject to government rules on ethics and conduct.
  • Intellectual property and publication issues are negotiated based on the circumstances.
  • You must provide a final briefing describing the fellowship experience to appropriate APL and government staff.

Join Others Who Have Partnered With APL

Over the years, APL has hosted numerous government employees from the Navy, Army, Air Force, intelligence community, and other government agencies. These have also included interns from all of the military academies, Federal Executive Fellows, participants under training with industry agreements, and Senior Executive Service candidates.

Join the growing list of federal government employees who have improved their capabilities through “hands-on” experiences in a variety of strategically important areas. Check with your government agency about participating in the APL GEFP!