Projects and Missions


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Below is a sampling of APL’s critical contributions to critical challenges. Projects and missions are displayed in alphabetical order. 

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Johnny Matheny uses APL's Modular Prosthetic Limb (MPL) to take a drink

Revolutionizing Prosthetics

Revolutionizing Prosthetics is an ambitious multiyear program—funded by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA)—to create a neurally controlled artificial limb that will restore near-natural motor and sensory capability to upper-extremity amputee patients.
Learn more about Revolutionizing Prosthetics
Neil Fendley, machine learning researcher, demonstrates a backdoor adversarial attack he embedded in a computer vision application.

Robust and Resilient Artificial Intelligence

Developing the next generation of intelligent systems for missions characterized by uncertain, dynamic, and adversarial environments
Learn more about Robust and Resilient Artificial Intelligence
Helicopter (Credit: U.S. Marine Corps)

Senior Leader Helicopter Communications

APL is working with the Navy to enhance communications on the senior leader helicopter fleet.
Learn more about Senior Leader Helicopter Communications
Aircraft assigned to Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 8 and the French Carrier Air Wing fly over the aircraft carrier USS George H.W. Bush (CVN 77) (Credit: U.S. Navy/MC3 Brooke Macchietto)

Shaping the Joint Future Operating Environment

On behalf of the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, APL led development of the Joint Future Operating Environment, which lays the foundation for force development across the services.
Learn more about Shaping the Joint Future Operating Environment
Abstract view of police lights (Credit: Bigstock)

Situational Awareness for First Responders

Under the direction of the Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate, APL partnered with the New York City Police Department’s Emergency Service Unit in April 2017 to field-test and evaluate a commercial Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (MANET) system.
Learn more about Situational Awareness for First Responders
View from space of the Moon near Earth during a sunrise. (Credit: Shutterstock with NASA elements)

Space Security and Defense

APL provides expertise to the Space Security and Defense program, a joint Department of Defense/Office of the Director of National Intelligence organization focused on creating a more resilient and enduring national security space capability.
Learn more about Space Security and Defense
An image collage shows the various technologies and people, both on the ground and in space, susceptible to space weather. A coronal mass ejection and solar flare emerging from the Sun on the left illustrate some of the more extreme causes of space weather. (Credit: Johns Hopkins APL)

Space Weather Sensors

APL is developing a small, highly capable charged-particle sensor to deliver data that can help Air Force operators assess whether space weather conditions play a role in spacecraft anomalies.
Learn more about Space Weather Sensors
A team of APL engineers, working with the Missile Defense Agency and sailors aboard USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53), an Aegis baseline 9.C1 equipped destroyer, successfully fired a salvo of two SM-6 Dual I missiles against a complex medium-range ballistic missile target, demonstrating the Sea Based Terminal endo-atmospheric defensive capability and meeting the test’s primary objective. (Credit: MDA)

Standard Missile-3: The Next Generation

APL led key “end-to-end” system-level performance analysis in collaboration with the government–industry team for the SM-3 Block IIA missile, cooperatively developed by the United States and Japan.
Learn more about Standard Missile-3: The Next Generation
STEREO Spacecrafts and the Sun


The Solar TErrestrial RElations Observatory (STEREO) mission has provided 3D views of the solar corona, coronal mass ejections and the solar wind, and advanced space weather forecasting.
Learn more about STEREO

Submarine Survivability Program

The SSN/SSGN survivability program ensures our submarines stay hidden regardless of new technology, changing mission requirements, and increasingly sophisticated adversaries.
Learn more about Submarine Survivability Program


The Sun Coronal Ejection Tracker (SunCET) mission, a sensitive sensor-camera combination set to launch in 2025, seeks to determine what mechanisms accelerate most coronal mass ejections to speeds approaching 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) per second.
Learn more about SunCET
Swarming unmanned surface vehicles

Swarming Uncrewed Surface Vehicles

APL, in collaboration with the Naval Air Warfare Center Port Hueneme Weapons Division, led a swarming uncrewed surface vehicle demonstration of advanced multivehicle autonomy at tactically relevant speeds.
Learn more about Swarming Uncrewed Surface Vehicles
September 18, 2013: An SM-3 Block 1B interceptor is launched from the USS Lake Erie during an MDA test and successfully intercepted a complex short-range ballistic missile target off the coast of Kauai, Hawaii. (Credit: MDA)

Test Target Prototyping

A cross-APL team of engineers, working with the Missile Defense Agency’s (MDA) Target and Countermeasures Directorate and other government and industry partners, develops cost-effective solutions for MDA to support live-fire testing of interceptors, sensors, and fire control systems.
Learn more about Test Target Prototyping
Radar screen (Credit: Bigstock)

Testing Air and Missile Defense Radar

APL teamed with industry and the Above Water Sensors Directorate of Program Executive Office Integrated Warfare Systems on two successful tests of the AN/SPY-6(V), a wideband digital beam-forming sensor known as the Air and Missile Defense Radar.
Learn more about Testing Air and Missile Defense Radar

The CAT Experiment

APL has successfully delivered, flown, and operated two miniaturized satellites, or CubeSats, as part of a Lab-led flight demonstration known as the CubeSat Signal Preprocessor Assessment and Test (CAT).
Learn more about The CAT Experiment