In Memoriam: Scott T. Radcliffe (1967–2022)
Scott T. Radcliffe, a chief scientist at APL, died February 3, 2022, in Howard County General Hospital at the age of 55 due to complications from bone marrow cancer and lung disease. He was known by his coworkers as “a national treasure, and a man of honesty and integrity who could imagine great solutions to things that nobody else could see.” He held three patents and received numerous awards from government sponsors and APL, including the Lab’s esteemed Alvin R. Eaton Award for sustained performance and exceptional scientific or engineering innovations. Scott had deep expertise in computer simulation, digital signal processing, and radio communications, and he delivered several game-changing communication, radio frequency (RF) sensing, and RF geolocation innovations for the U S government. He formed deep relationships with sponsors and colleagues, some of whom contributed personal remembrances in this tribute to him.