Control Red Perception: Vision and Enabling Technologies
Today’s electronic warfare (EW) missions face increasingly agile, multimodal, highly integrated, and long-range threats. To help its sponsors accomplish their missions in the face of these threats, the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) Precision Strike Mission Area developed a vision for achieving information dominance and delivering overwhelming effects against our adversaries. This vision relies on using our EW systems in concert with other operational platforms and capabilities to control adversary, or Red, perception. Implementing this strategy requires revolutionary advancements in EW systems so that they operate in an intelligent, distributed, and collaborative manner. Investment in foundational technologies that enable these capabilities is a prerequisite to accomplishing the strategy and staying ahead of pacing threats. This article describes the technology gaps that must be filled to realize the vision of controlling Red perception and details recent APL independent research and development projects that are positioned to provide game-changing thought leadership and capability innovations to satisfy those gaps.