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To provide insight into whether the literature (news articles) suggests benefits of XR, Digital Transformation, and Industry 4.0, APL’s Christina K. Pikas (BS, MLS, PhD, Librarian and Service Manager) did some analysis in January 2020 using Quid. Quid reveals “connections, trends, and insights that will help you understand the story behind your customers, competitors, markets . . . and brand[s]” ( A search on the terms (“Digital Transformation” OR “XR” OR “augmented reality” OR “virtual reality” OR “mixed reality” OR “Model-based design” OR “Model-based engineering” OR “Industry 4.0” ) AND (“success” OR “ROI”) resulted in the two maps above. The lower, more colorful one is a map of the news article network with 4277 stories colored by clusters and sized by degree. The upper map traces sentiments related to those same news articles colored by sentiment and sized by degree. The striking revelation in this analysis is the overwhelming positivity of the discussion around XR.