Award Winners
- Invention of the Year: Jason Tiffany, selected for advances in tissue engineering that encourage nerve growth and radically increase the number of nerve connections
- Master Inventor Award: Charles Kerechanin, selected in recognition of 11 patents issued to him while working at APL (Click here to see a video about his award.)
- Government Purpose Innovation Award: Patrick Allen and Steven Handy, selected for a network defense technology that uses virtualized, sensor decoys to increase the scope, scale and complexity for network attackers
- Ignition Grant Award for Technical Innovation: Awarded to Christopher Krupiarz, Nathaniel Parsons, David Edell and William Van Besien for their innovative use of a commercial, unmanned aerial vehicle as a software development platform for testing developmental software for spacecraft
- Innovation Grant Award for Learning: Awarded to Tara Echlin, Mars Gralia, Bruce Ballard, Robert Berardino, James Bogard, Zaza Soriano and Brian Taylor for their development of an Arduino course
- Mission Accomplishment Award for Current Challenge: Awarded to Aman Johal, Amy Castner, Paul Velez, Eric Naber, Davie Katz, John Osborne, Emily Ronald, Rodney Jokerst and Reuben Johnston for a pioneering work that establishes APL as a technical leader in the field of telematics
- Mission Accomplishment Award for Emerging Challenge: Awarded to Dan Dockery, Don Chesley, Charles Farthing, Christopher Barker and Eric Thews for their work on the Navy’s next-generation air and missile defense radar (AMDR)
Publication Award Winners
- Author’s First Paper in a Journal or Proceedings: Matina Gkioulidou, for “The role of small-scale ion injections in the buildup of Earth’s ring current pressure: Van Allen Probes observations of the 17 March 2013 storm”
- Outstanding Paper in the Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest (The Walter G. Berl Award): Ronald Vervack, Jeng-Hwa Yee, William Swartz, Robert DeMajistre and Larry Paxton, “The MSX/UVISI Stellar Occultation Experiments: Proof-of-Concept Demonstration of a New Approach to Remote Sensing of Earth’s Atmosphere”
- Outstanding Research Paper in an Externally Refereed Journal Publication: David Clader, “Quantum Networking of Microwave Photons using Optical Fibers”
- Outstanding Development Paper in an Externally Refereed Journal Publication: Eric Adles, Michael Dennis, Timothy McKenna, Joseph Sluz, Raymond Sova and Radha Venkat, “Blind Optical Modulation Format Identification from Physical Layer Characteristics”
- Outstanding Professional Book: Ralph Lorenz, DUNE WORLDS: How windblown sand shapes planetary landscapes
- Outstanding Special Publication: Nicola Fox, editor of the book The Van Allen Probes Mission
Hart Prizes for Excellence in Independent Research and Development
- Best Research Project: Machine Intelligence from Cortical Networks (MICrONS), with principal leaders Will Gray Roncal, Dean Kleissas and Mark Chevillet
- Best Development Project: Command and Control of Deeply Placed Capabilities (C2DEEP), with primary contributors Steven Jones, Jarriel Cook, Jerry Hampton and Feng Ouyang
Enterprise Accomplishment Award
- Central Spark Implementation Team, with principal contributors Kris Bell, Angie Boampong, Cathy Colangelo, Steve Ferraro, Wendy Hess, Greg Hustead, Ann Kedia, Dennis Smith, Don Vislay and Sue Watkins