Press Release
Hopkins Applied Physics Lab Launches Parent STEM Workshop
The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md., is launching its first-ever Parent STEMpowerment Workshop Dec. 9, 2012, geared to help parents of middle school students prepare their children for science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) careers. Focused on educating parents and showing them resources that can support their student, the workshop is designed for individuals who have had little exposure to STEM or STEM careers.
Parents will have a chance to speak with educators, STEM professionals, college students and industry experts at the workshop. Representatives from the Maryland State Department of Education, Johns Hopkins University, Northrop Grumman, MESA and the University of Maryland are among the speakers and panelists presenting on topics including “How do I get my child on the road to STEM success?” and “What do STEM professionals do?” (see attached agenda for a schedule of the day’s events). A portion of the workshop will be conducted in Spanish. The event is free, and APL will provide transportation for individuals who may have difficulty getting to the Laboratory (see attached flyer).
“APL is pleased to help empower parents to support their children in STEM,” says APL STEM Program Manager Dwight Carr. “Investing time and energy early in our kids’ STEM education and development places them on the path to success and fills a growing, critical need for our nation.”
APL recently launched a STEM website — — that provides information, tools and activities for students, teachers and parents. It also features an APL-created comic strip called “Fifth Period,” introducing a cast of teenage characters engaged in quirky and creative STEM-related activities and experiments. The website is designed to have fresh information regularly and to make learning fun.
The APL STEMpowerment Workshop and the STEM website are products of APL’s STEM Program Management Office, created in 2011 to help inspire, engage, and educate the next generation of STEM professionals. Its efforts, with the help of more than 500 APL staff volunteers, are focused on helping the nation face the critical challenge of creating a workforce educated and trained in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.