Press Release
Krill Named Assistant Director for Science and Technology at Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory
Jerry A. Krill has been named Assistant Director for Science and Technology at the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Md.
APL Director Ralph D. Semmel created the position to emphasize innovation and broaden the role of science and technology in APL’s strategic plans. Krill will ensure that APL identifies and acts on strategic national technical challenges and opportunities; he will also serve as the Laboratory’s Chief Technology Officer and oversee APL’s Office of Technology Transfer, Education Center and Milton Eisenhower Research Center.
Krill had spent the past five years as APL’s Assistant Director for Programs, overseeing APL’s 600-plus programs and heading its quality management initiatives. Before that he led the Lab’s Power Projection Systems Department and the Precision Engagement and Infocentric Operations Business Areas — among other supervisory and technical leadership positions.
He joined APL in 1973 and was instrumental in developing the Navy’s Cooperative Engagement Capability system that links air defense systems within a battle group. He holds a number of patents and was a 2005 Innovator of the Year by the Baltimore Daily Record for his work on optical communications networks.
“Jerry’s Labwide program knowledge and experience combined with his deep appreciation for innovation make him a great choice for this critical new position,” Semmel says.
Krill holds a doctorate in electrical engineering from the University of Maryland and bachelor’s and master’s degrees in electrical engineering from Michigan State University. He serves on the Naval Studies Board and has participated in studies for the NSB and Defense Science Board. He and his wife, Bonnie, live in Fulton, Md.