Press Release
Johns Hopkins APL’s LaPlante Named to Defense Science Board
William A. LaPlante, head of the Global Engagement Department at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Laurel, Md., has been named to the Defense Science Board. The prestigious federal panel advises top Defense Department leaders on scientific, technical, research and other critical matters.
“It’s an honor to be selected,” says LaPlante, whose 3-year term started on Jan. 1. “I look forward to making a contribution toward solving the Department of Defense’s toughest challenges.”
LaPlante was one of 39 new members named to the board, which includes leaders in science, technology, industry and fields that relate to the military. A list of the new members is posted online at:
The Defense Science Board was established in 1956 to advise Pentagon leaders on potential new weapons systems, and has evolved to shape and strengthen the Defense Department’s research and development strategies. For more information on the DSB, visit:
APL’s Global Engagement Department, with expertise in analyzing, testing and evaluating large dynamic systems, applies advanced science and technology to the acquisition and use of complex, highly valued systems, and enhancement of national security capabilities with power projection systems and solutions. For information on the department and other APL capabilities, visit