Press Release
APL, SAIS to Host 2nd Annual Symposium on Meeting the Unrestricted Warfare Threat
The Johns Hopkins University's Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) and Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies are sponsoring a symposium on Meeting the Unrestricted Warfare Threat. The event is scheduled for March 20-21, 2007, and will be held at APL's Kossiakoff Center in Laurel, Md.
This is the second year for the symposium. Last year, the meeting's agenda focused on aspects of URW that were manifest in Iraq and Afghanistan. This year's follow-on symposium will include more nuanced aspects of URW, such as economic, information, and network warfare. And we are engaging the whole national security community to prepare new strategies, analyses and technologies—for the next set of threats, not just the ones we face today.
The first day of the event will include a keynote address, three featured speakers, and two roundtable discussions on strategic policy and analysis. Among those leading the discussion are:
- Gen. James Cartwright, commander of U.S. Strategic Command, to provide the warfighter's perspective on the integration of strategy, analysis and technology.
- Alfred Berkeley, chairman and CEO of Pipeline Trading Systems and former vice chairman of the NASDAQ, to discuss URW threats that impact the private sector.
- Tony Tether, director of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, to explore ways to adapt advanced technologies to defeat URW adversaries.
- Michael Bauman, director of the U.S. Army TRADOC Analysis Center, to address the analytic agenda needed to support combating URW.
Day two of the symposium is classified, and features sessions on unrestricted warfare in the physical and information domain, tailored deterrence, the intelligence community's perspective on the URW threat and a keynote luncheon address by David Gordon, vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council.
This year's meeting is co-sponsored by government leaders in the strategy, analysis, technology and intelligence communities: the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense (Policy), Office of the Director Program Analysis and Evaluation, DARPA, and the National Intelligence Council. Proceedings of the symposium will be published in the spring. The 2006 Proceedings, along with the current agenda and speakers, are available online at
Press are invited to register for the first day of the symposium by going online to There is no fee for reporters. Indicate "press" under the "community you represent" category. PRE-REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.