APL Colloquium

May 19, 2023

Colloquium Topic: Trust me, I'm a Scientist: the Science of Science Communication

Four in five Americans can’t name a living scientist, so how can we make science – and by extension, scientists – more visible and accessible? How can scientists utilize behavioral psychology, storytelling and tools like social media to engage with different audiences from the podium to the pub(lic)? Learn about some of the challenges, rewards and best practices of communicating science in the public sphere.

Colloquium Speaker: Wendy Bohon

Dr. Wendy Bohon is an earthquake geologist and science communication specialist. She earned a BA in Theatre and Geology from James Madison University, a MSc in Geology from Ohio State University and a PhD in Geology from Arizona State University. She has previously held positions at NASA, USGS, IRIS and EarthScope, and she is the founder of a Science Communication Consultancy. She is also a Science Ambassador for AAAS and is among 120 female scientists who were recently honored by the Smithsonian with a 3D-printed statue.