APL Colloquium

February 7, 2020

Colloquium Topic: Nuclear Energy’s Role in Achieving Deep Decarbonization to Reverse Climate Change

The Energy Impact Center is a DC based research institute focused on Deep Decarbonization. Founded in 2017 by robotics pioneer Bret Kugelmass, the EIC analyzes and supports the solution set of tools which are able to reverse climate change. Since inception, our rapidly growing team boasts a state of the art media arm, top engineering and economic experts, and global researchers.

Our Thesis:

  1. Emissions must go net negative by 2040, globally across all energy sectors.
  2. The only way to do this is to produce energy inexpensive enough to make carbon negative fuels that compete with fossil fuels on a global market without tax or subsidy.
  3. The only energy source that can produce carbon negative fuels matching cost, deployment, and timeline constraints is nuclear fission.
  4. Nuclear fission is currently ten times as expensive as it should be.
  5. We must identify the cost drivers of Nuclear Energy from a reactor agnostic, techno-economic analysis in order to redefine the requirements for nuclear power production.

Colloquium Speaker: Bret Kugelmass

Bret Kugelmass is a former technology entrepreneur who has dedicated his focus to climate and energy challenges. One of the early pioneers in commercializing unmanned aerospace technology he founded and remained CEO of Airphrame Inc. for five years up until its acquisition. Prior to this, he received his masters in robotics from Stanford University and his earlier work includes designing lunar rover control systems for NASA and a concept electric car for Panasonic. In 2017, he launched a Washington, DC based research institute, the Energy Impact Center, focused on exploring the challenges and opportunities of nuclear power's role in deep decarbonization. Their work includes techno-economic analysis of energy technologies, hosting clean-tech prize competitions, and publishing audio interviews with hundreds of experts under the “Titans of Nuclear” brand.