BioDr. Caleb Fassett is a planetary scientist involved in multiple NASA missions as a Co-I (VIPER, VERITAS, Artemis 3 geology team) and participating scientist (Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter). He is also a Co-I on two NASA SSERVI teams (LunaSCOPE and RASSLE). Dr. Fassett is an expert in the surface evolution and geomorphology of the Moon, Mars, and Mercury and in the use of geospatial analysis tools to analyze orbital remote sensing data. His work has included using the Mini-RF radar instrument to characterize lunar surface properties.
Ph.D., Geological Sciences
Brown University
M.S., Geological Sciences
Brown University
B.A., Geosciences; Astrophysics
Williams College
Notable Awards and Leadership
Notable Awards and LeadershipYear(s) | Description |
Year(s) 2022 | Description NASA Group Achievement Award, CaRI team |
Year(s) 2020 - 2021 | Description 2022-2032 Decadal Study on Planetary Science and Astrobiology, subpanel on the Moon and Mercury |
Year(s) 2021 | Description NASA MSFC EV-40 Director’s Award as an External Support Partner, for work with the HLS Natural Environments team |
Year(s) 2020 | Description Member, Artemis 3 science definition team |
Year(s) 2015 - 2021 | Description Associate editor, Journal of Geophysical Research-Planets |
Year(s) 2019 | Description NASA Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal, for identifying Jezero Crater, site of the Mars 2020 mission |
Year(s) 2019 | Description NASA MSFC ST-10, Ace of Initiative Award |
Year(s) 2017 | Description NASA Group Achievement Award, MESSENGER team |