Further information:
James C. Spall
Johns Hopkins University
Applied Physics Laboratory
11100 Johns Hopkins Rd.
Laurel, MD 20723-6099
Abdulla, M.S. and Bhatnagar, S. (2007), |
"Parametrized Actor-Critic Algorithms for Finite-Horizon MDPs,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 11-13 July 2007, New York City, USA, pp. 534–539 (paper WeA16.4) (presents two algorithms to compute optimal policies for finite-horizon Markov decision processes).
Top |
Abdulla, M.S. and Bhatnagar, S. (2007), |
“Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithms for Average Cost Markov Decision Processes,”
Discrete Event Dynamic Systems, vol. 17, pp. 23–52 (application of SPSA in actor-critic algorithms for solution of infinite horizon Markov decision processes).
Top |
Abdulsadda, A.T. and Iqbal, K. (2011), |
"An Improved SPSA Algorithm for System Identification Using Fuzzy Rules for Training Neural Networks,"
International Journal of Automation and Computing, vol. 8(3), pp. 333–339 (version of algorithm that entails fuzzy adaptive gain sequences, gradient smoothing, and a step rejection procedure to enhance convergence and stability).
Top |
Aboulaich, R., Ellaia R., and El Moumen S. (2010), |
"The Mean-Variance-CVaR model for Portfolio Optimization Modeling using a Multi-Objective Approach Based on a Hybrid Method,”
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, vol. 5(7), pp. 103−108 (considers problem of portfolio selection, by using the normal boundary intersection approach based on a new hybrid algorithm of SPSA and simulated annealing).
Top |
Aksakalli, V. and Ursu, D. (2006), |
"Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems: Model-Free Controllers versus Linear Quadratic Regulators,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 13–15 December 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 4145–4150 (paper ThIP8.3) (comparison of SPSA-based model-free controller to linear quadratic regulators).
Top |
Alessandri, A., Bolla, R., Grassia, A.F., and Reppetto, M. (2006), |
"Identification of Freeway Macroscopic Models using Information from Mobile Phones,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 14–16 June 2006, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 3801–3806 (paper ThC08.5) (parameter estimation for a freeway traffic flow model).
Top |
A. and Parisini, T. (1997), |
Modelling of Complex Large-Scale Plants Using Neural Networks and
Stochastic Approximation,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
A, vol. 27, pp. 750-757
(model parameter estimation/fault detection).
Top |
Altaf, M.U., Heemink, A.W., Verlaan M., and Hoteit, I. (2011), |
"Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Tidal Models,"
Ocean Dynamics, vol. 61(8), pp. 1093−1105 (automated calibration for tidal calibration of
Dutch continental shelf model, which is used to forecast storm surges in the North Sea).
Top |
Antal, C., Granichin, O., and Levi, S. (2010), |
"Adaptive Autonomous Soaring of Multiple UAVs using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the 49th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, Atlanta, GA, 15−17 Dec. 2010, pp. 3656−3661 (algorithm for maximizing flight duration of a single UAV [Uninhabited Air Vehicle] and group of UAVs using thermal model developed at NASA−Dryden; SPSA used for detection of center of thermal updraft where vertical velocity of air stream is highest).
Arahal, M.R., Cirre, C.M., and Berenguel, M. (2008), |
"Serial Grey-Box Model of a Stratified Thermal Tank for Hierarchical Control of a Solar Plant,"
Solar Energy, vol. 82(5), pp. 441–451 (building model for control for existing small solar power system in Spain).
Top |
Balakrishna, R., Antoniou, C., Ben-Akiva, M., Koutsopoulos, H.N., and Wen, Y. (2007), |
"Calibration of Microscopic Traffic Simulation Models: Methods and Application,"
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 1999, pp. 198-207
(large-scale application to building traffic simulation, with emphasis on practical issues).
Top |
Balakrishna, R. and Koutsopoulos, H.N. (2008), |
"Incorporating Within-Day Transitions in the Simultaneous Off-line Estimation of Dynamic Origin-Destination Flows without Assignment Matrices,"
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 2085, pp. 31–38 (off-line method for estimating dynamic origin−destination matrices without using assignment matrices).
Top |
Baltcheva, I., Cristea, S., Vázquez-Abad, F.J., and De Prada,
C. (2003), |
Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Real-time Optimization
of Model Predictive Control,"
Proceedings of the First Industrial Simulation
Conference (ISC 2003), Valencia, Spain,
June 2003, pp. 533-537
(global optimization for model predictive control).
Top |
Bangerth, W., Klie, H., Matossian, V., Parashar, M., Wheeler, M.F. (2006), |
"An Autonomic Reservoir Framework for the Stochastic Optimization of Well Placement,"
Cluster Computing, vol. 8(4), pp. 255–269 (use of SPSA with simulator for optimal placement of wells in oil and environmental applications).
Top |
Bartkute, V. and Sakalauskas, L. (2006), |
"Application of Stochastic Approximation in Technical Design,"
in Computer Aided Methods in Optimal Design and Operations (I. Bogle and J. Zilinskas, eds.), Series on Computers and Operations Research, vol. 7, World Scientific Publishers, Singapore, pp. 29–38 (development of termination rule based on best function values provided during optimization).
Top |
Bartkute, V. and Sakalauskas, L. (2007), |
"Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Nonsmooth Functions,"
European Journal on Operational Research, vol. 181(3), pp. 1174–1188 (modification of SPSA to have convergence with nondifferentiable functions).
Top |
Bertsimas, D., Nohadani, O., and Teo, K.M. (2007), |
"Robust Optimization in Electromagnetic Scattering Problems,"
Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 101(7), article no. 074507 (comparison of gradient-based and gradient-free [SPSA] optimization for electromagnetic scattering problems with many degrees of freedom).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. (2005), |
Multivariate Three-Timescale Stochastic Approximation Algorithms
for Simulation Based Optimization,"
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 15,
pp. 74–107 (advanced methods for Hessian matrix estimation in the context of simulation optimization; applications in queuing networks).
Bhatnagar, S. (2007), |
"Adaptive Newton-Based Multivariate Algorithms for Simulation Optimization,"
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 18, pp. 2:1–2:35 (develops several convolution-based [smoothed functional] methods for Hessian matrix estimation in the context of simulation optimization).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. (2010), |
"An Actor–Critic Algorithm with Function Approximation for Discounted Cost Constrained Markov Decision Processes,"
Systems and Control Letters, vol. 59(12), pp. 760–766 (actor–critic reinforcement learning that incorporates a temporal difference critic; Markov decision process when the state and action spaces can be large).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. (2011), |
“Simultaneous Perturbation and Finite Difference Methods,”
in Wiley Encyclopedia of Operations Research and Management Science (J. Cochran, ed.), vol. 7, pp. 4969−4991, Wiley, Hoboken, NJ (general review of SPSA and FDSA, including several extensions).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. and Abdulla, M.S. (2006), |
"A Reinforcement Learning Based Algorithm for Finite Horizon Markov Decision Processes,"
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 13–15 December 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 5519–5524 (paper FrB09.1) (simulation-based algorithm for finite-horizon Markov decision processes with finite state and finite action space).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. and Babu, K. (2008), |
"New Algorithms of the Q-learning Type,"
Automatica, vol. 44(4), pp. 1111-1119 (two algorithms for Q-learning that use the two-timescale stochastic approximation methodology; work covers areas of reinforcement learning and Markov decision processes).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. and Borkar, V.S. (2003), |
Chaotic SPSA and Smoothed Functional Algorithms For Simulation Optimization,"
Simulation, vol. 79, pp. 568-580
(use of chaos-based generator for random perturbation sequences
in high dimensions).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. and Kowshik, H.J. (2005), |
"A Discrete Parameter Stochastic Approximation Algorithm for Simulation Optimization,"
Simulation, vol. 81(11), pp. 757–772 (discrete parameter optimization with application to admission control in communication networks).
Top |
Bhatnagar, S. and Kumar, S. (2004), |
Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation-Based Actor—Critic
Algorithm for Markov Decision Processes,”
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 49, pp. 592–598
(alternative to dynamic programming for Markov decision processes).
Bhatnagar, S. and Reddy, I. (2005), |
Threshold Policies for Admission Control in Communication Networks
via Discrete Parameter Stochastic Approximation,"
Telecommunications Systems, vol. 29,
pp. 9–31
(admission control of packets in communication networks).
S., Fu, M.C., and Marcus, S.I. (1999), |
ABR Flow Control Using Two Timescale SPSA,"
Proceedings of the SPIE
The International Society for Optical
Engineering, vol. 3841, pp.142-149
(simulation-based optimization for networks).
S., Fu, M.C., and Marcus, S.I. and Bhatnagar, S. (2001), |
Timescale Algorithms for Simulation Optimization of Hidden Markov
IIE Transactions, vol. 33, pp. 245-258
(simulation-based optimization using two timescale SPSA).
S., Fu, M.C., and Marcus, S.I., and Fard, P.J. (2001), |
Structured Feedback Policies for ABR Flow Control Using Two Timescale
IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, vol. 9, pp. 479-491 (closed-loop
feedback control in ATM networks).
Bhatnagar, S., Fu, M.C., Marcus, S.I., and Wang, I.J. (2003),
Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Using Deterministic
Perturbation Sequences,"
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation,
vol. 13, pp. 180-209 (use of
deterministic—vs. random—perturbation vectors).
Top |
Boon, J. (2007), |
"Generating Exact D-Optimal Designs for Polynomial Models,"
Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multiconference, 25–29 March 2007, Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 121–126 (comparison of SPSA, random search, and standard exchange algorithms for finding D-optimal experimental designs).
Top |
Brooks, O. (2007), |
"Solving Discrete Resource Allocation Problems using the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) Algorithm,"
Proceedings of the Spring Simulation Multiconference, 25–29 March 2007, Norfolk, VA, USA, pp. 55–62 (comparing the performance of stochastic optimization algorithms when applied to discrete resource allocation problems).
Top |
Burnett, R. (2004), |
of Stochastic Optimization to Collision Avoidance,”
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 29 June–2
July 2004, Boston, MA, pp. 2789–2794
(comparison of random search, SPSA, and simulated annealing in
marine vessel traffic management).
Cao, X. (2011), |
“Preliminary Results on Non-Bernoulli Distribution of Perturbations for Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,”
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 29 June-1 July 2011, San Francisco, CA, pp. 2669−2670 (paper ThB10.6) (considers use of one type of non-Bernoulli distribution for the components of perturbation vector; distribution considered is “segmented uniform,” which meets theoretical conditions for perturbations).
Top |
G. (1994), |
VLSI Autonomous Systems for Learning and Optimization,"
Ph.D. dissertation, California Institute of Technology
(issues in hardware implementation for neural networks).
G. (1996), |
Analog VLSI Recurrent Neural Network Learning a Continuous-Time
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol.
7, pp. 346-361
(first demonstration of SPSA dynamic optimization on an analog VLSI
G. (1997), |
VLSI Stochastic Perturbative Learning Architectures,"
International Journal of Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
vol. 13, pp. 195-209
(extension of SPSA to reinforcement learning; VLSI implementation).
Chan, B.L., Doucet, A., and Tadic, V.B. (2003), |
of Particle Filters Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of IEEE International Conference
on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, April 2003, Hong Kong, vol. VI, pp. 681-684
(optimization of particle filter methods, a.k.a. sequential Monte
Carlo methods).
Top |
Cheema, J.S., Sankpal, N.V., Tambe, S.S., and Kulkarni, B.D. (2002),
Programming Assisted Stochastic Optimization Strategies for Optimization
of Glucose to Gluconic Acid Fermentation,"
Biotechnolgy Progress, vol. 18, pp. 1356-1365
(optimization of inputs for genetic programming via SPSA).
Top |
Chen, H.F.,
Duncan, T.E., and Pasik-Duncan, B. (1996), |
Stochastic Approximation Algorithm with Random Differences,"
Proceedings of the 13th IFAC World
Congress, vol. H, 30 June-5
July 1996, San Francisco, CA, pp. 493-496
(alternative convergence conditions for SPSA).
Top |
Chien, S.I. and Luo, J. (2008), |
"Optimization of Dynamic Ramp Metering Control with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Control and Intelligent Systems, scheduled for fall 2008 issue (dynamic ramp metering traffic control to maximize the total throughput subject to the constraints of link densities, capacities, and metering rates).
Top |
Chin, D.C.
(1994), |
More Efficient Global Optimization Algorithm Based on Styblinski
and Tang,"
Neural Networks, vol.
7, pp. 573-574
(global optimization implementation).
Chin, D.C.
(1996), |
Identification Procedure for Inversion Processing,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 11-13
December 1996, Kobe, Japan, pp. 3129-3130
(nonlinear signal inversion). Top |
Chin, D.C.
(1997), |
Study of Stochastic Algorithms for System Optimization Based
on Gradient Approximations,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
B, vol. 27, pp. 244-249
(theoretical and numerical efficiency analysis).
D.C. (1999), |
Simultaneous Perturbation Method for Processing Magnetospheric Images,"
Optical Engineering, vol. 38, pp. 606-611
(a nonlinear regression-type problem with comparisons to simulated
D.C. and Smith, R.H. (1994), |
Traffic Simulation for Mid-Manhattan with Model-Free Adaptive Signal
Proceedings of the Summer Computer Simulation
Conference, pp. 296-301
(traffic control application).
D.C. and Srinivasan, R. (1997), |
Conductivity Object Locator: Location of Small Objects Buried at
Shallow Depths,"
Proceedings of the Unexploded Ordnance (UXO)
Conference, pp. 50-57
(application with finite-element models). Top |
D.C., Srinivasan, R., and Ball, R.E. (1999), |
of Buried Plastic and Metal Objects in Subsurface Soil,"
in Information Processing for Remote Sensing,
ed., C.H. Chen, World Scientific, New Jersey, pp. 565-570
(application in mine detection).
D. C., Srinivasan, R., and Ball, R.E. (2001), |
Discrimination of Buried Object in Subsurface Soil via Magnetic
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 1369-1374
(inverse model estimation via two-dimensional measurements).
Chinthalapati, V.L.R. and Bhatnagar, S. (2006), |
"A Simultaneous Deterministic Perturbation Actor-Critic Algorithm with an Application to Optimal Mortgage Refinancing,"
Proceedings of the 45th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 13-15 December 2006, San Diego, CA, USA, pp. 4151–4156 (paper ThIP8.4) (SPSA with deterministic perturbations for enhanced performance with an application to a problem of mortgage refinancing).
Top |
Christensen, D.J., Sprowitz A., and Ijspeert A.J. (2010), |
“Distributed Online Learning of Central Pattern Generators in Modular Robots,”
From Animals to Animats 11 (S. Doncieux et al., eds), Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, vol. 6226, pp. 402−412, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg (online learning of locomotion gaits for modular robots; considers effects of module failures, different robot morphologies, and rough terrains).
Top |
Cipriani, E. Florian, M., Mahut, M., and Nigro, M. (2011), |
“A Gradient Approximation Approach for Adjusting Temporal Origin-Destination Matrices,”
Transportation Research, Part C—Emerging Technologies, vol. 19(2), pp. 270-282 (method to solve for dynamic traffic demand matrix; solution produces acceptable computational times for off-line applications and uses input traffic counts and speeds, prior origin-demand matrices, and other aggregate demand data for inputs)
Top |
Cole-Rhodes, A., Johnson, K., and LeMoigne, J. (2002), |
Registration of Remote-Sensing Images Using Stochastic Gradient,"
SPIE Aerosense 2002, Wavelet Applications
IX, vol. 4738, April 2002, Orlando, FL, pp. 44-55
(image registration with wavelet-based preprocessing).
Cole-Rhodes, A., Johnson, K., LeMoigne, J., and Zavorin, I. (2003), |
Registration of Remote Sensing Imagery by Optimization of Mutual
Information Using a Stochastic Gradient,"
IEEE Transactions on Image Processing,
vol. 12, pp. 1495-1511 (image
registration based on correlation and mutual information).
Top |
Constantini, G. and Uncini, A. (2003), |
Room Acoustic Response Simulation by an IIR Adaptive Filter,"
Electronics Letters, vol. 39, pp. 330-332
(signal processing application in music).
Cupertino, F., Mininno, E., Naso, D., and Salvatore, L. (2007), |
"A Comparison of SPSA method and Compact Genetic Algorithm for the Optimization of Induction Motor Position Control,"
Proceedings of the European Conference on Power Electronics and Applications, 2–5 September 2007, pp. 1–10 (implementation of self-optimizing embedded control schemes for induction motor drives).
Cupertino, F., Mininno, E., Naso, D., and Turchiano, B. (2006), |
"An Experimental Implementation of SPSA Algorithms for Induction Motor Adaptive Control,"
Proceedings of SMCals/06, 2006 IEEE Mountain Workshop on Adaptive and Learning Systems, 24–26 July 2006, Utah State University, Logan, U.S.A., pp. 66–71 (implementation of several versions of SPSA for embedded control).
Top |
Dabbene, F., Gay, P., and Sacco N. (2008), |
"Optimisation of Fresh-Food Supply Chains in Uncertain Environments, Part I: Background and Methodology,"
Biosystems Engineering, vol. 99(3), pp. 348–359 (optimization of food supply chains that manages the trade-off between logistical costs and some indices measuring the quality of the food as perceived by the consumer).
Top |
Das, S., Spall, J.C., and Ghanem, R. (2010), |
“Efficient Monte Carlo Computation of Fisher Information Matrix Using Prior Information,”
Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, vol. 54(2), pp. 272–289 (considers simultaneous perturbation gradient approximation in a Monte Carlo method for estimating Fisher information matrix in complex statistical models; extends Spall (2005) method to exploits partial knowledge of form of information matrix).
Top |
De Craene, M.S., Macq, B., Marques, F., Salembier, P., and Warfield, S.K. (2008), |
"Unbiased Group-Wise Alignment by Iterative Central Tendency Estimation,"
Mathematical Modelling of Natural Phenomena, vol. 3(6), pp. 2−32 (joint alignment of a large collection of segmented images into the same system of coordinates; expectation-maximization [EM] estimation used for hidden variables).
Top |
J. and Renz, J. (1994), |
Means of Processes in Stochastic Approximation,"
Universitat Stuttgart, Mathematisches Institut A,
Preprint 94-5
(evaluation of Polyak-Ruppert iterate averaging for SPSA).
. |
J. and Renz, J. (1997), |
Means in Stochastic Approximation of Minima,"
SIAM Journal of Control and Optimization,
vol. 35, pp. 1811-1827
(iterate averaging and optimal rates Top |
Dong, N. and Chen, Z. (2012), |
“A Novel Data Based Control Method Based Upon Neural Network and Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,”
Nonlinear Dynamics, vol. 67(2), pp. 957–963 (modification of model-free control method to have loss that minimizes both the output error and its rate of change, with the aim of yielding a smoother system output).
of convergence).
Top |
El Moumen, S., Ellaia, R., and Aboulaich, R. (2011), |
“A New Hybrid Method for Solving Global Optimization Problem,”
Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 218(7), pp. 3265−3276 (presents hybrid method that finds a local minimum using descent method based on SPSA, followed by simulated annealing to escape from current local minimum; process is repeated until convergence).
Top |
Fedin, D.S., Granichin, O.N., Dedkov, Yu.S., and Molodtsov, S.L. (2008), |
"Method of Measurements with Random Perturbation: Application in Photoemission Experiments,"
Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 79(3), paper no. 036103 (application to filtering systematic noise with nonzero mean value in photoemission data; used a series of 50 single-scan photoemission spectra).
Top |
Finck, S. and Beyer, H.-G. (2012), |
“Performance Analysis of the Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Algorithm on the Noisy Sphere Model,”
Theoretical Computer Science, vol. 419, pp. 50–72 (theoretical comparison of different algorithms with spherical loss function; method allows for convergence results for non-noisy and noisy optimization to be obtained simultaneously; includes comparison of SPSA and evolution strategies).
Top |
Flaxman, A., Kalai, A.T., and McMahan, H.B. (2005),
Convex Optimization in the Bandit Setting: Gradient Descent Without
a Gradient,”
Proceedings of the 16th Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA),
Vancouver, Canada, pp. 385–394
(distribution-free analysis with very few assumptions).
M.C. and Hill, S.D. (1997), |
of Discrete Event Systems via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic
Transactions of the Institute of Industrial Engineers,
29, pp. 233-243
(simulation-based optimization for discrete-event and queueing networks).
Garrett, J. (2004), |
Optimizing Model Complexity and Data-Processing Parameters with
Mixed-Input SPSA,"
36th Symposium on the Interface: Computing Science and Statistics,
May 2004, Baltimore, MD (optimization in predictive modeling and
classification of feature-selection and model-complexity parameters).
L. (1997), |
of Convergence of Moments of Spall's SPSA Method,"
in Stochastic Differential and Difference Equations
(Csiszár and Gy. Michaletzky, eds.),
Series on Progress in Systems and Control Theory, vol. 23, Birkhäuser,
Boston, pp. 67-75
(convergence conditions for means and other moments of SPSA
Gerencsér, L.
(1999), |
Rate of Moments in Stochastic Approximation with Simultaneous Perturbation
Gradient Approximation and Resetting,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 44, pp. 894-905
(convergence conditions for moments of SPSA iterate).
Top |
Gerencsér, L.
and Vágó, Z. (1999), |
Approximation for Function Minimization Under Quantization Error,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 7-10
December 1999, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 2373-2376
(convergence analysis for optimization problems with non-random
Gerencsér, L.
and Vágó, Z. (2000), |
in Noise-Free Optimization,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2000, Chicago, IL, pp. 3284-3288 (theoretical
analysis of convergence rate when loss measurements are noise-free).
Gerencsér, L.
and Vágó, Z. (2001), |
Mathematics of Noise-Free SPSA,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 4-7
December 2001, Orlando, FL, pp. 4400-4405
(analysis of convergence rate with noise-free loss measurements).
Gerencsér, L.,
Hill, S.D., Vágó, Z. (1999), |
over Discrete Sets via SPSA,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 7-10
December 1999, Phoenix, AZ, pp. 1791-1795
(use of SPSA for discrete optimization).
Top |
Gerencsér, L.,
Hill, S.D., and Vágó,
Z. (2001), |
Optimization via SPSA,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
25-27 June 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 1503-1504 (SPSA for discrete
optimization, including new rate of convergence result).
Top |
Gerencsér, L.,
Hill, S.D., and Vágó,
Z. (2002), |
Optimization, SPSA, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, December 2002, Las Vegas, NV, pp. 2346-2347
(use of MCMC methods with SPSA).
Top |
Gerencsér, L., Hill, S.D., Vágó,
Z., and Vincze, Z. (2004), |
Optimization, SPSA, and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
29 June–2
July 2004, Boston, MA, pp. 3814–3819
(minimization of discrete convex functions and connection to MCMC).
Gerencsér, L.,
Kozmann, G., and Vágó, Z. (1998), |
for Non-Smooth Optimization with Application in ECG Analysis,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 16-18
December 1998, Tampa, FL., pp. 3907-3908
(application in a classification problem).
Gerencsér, L., Kozmann,
G., Vágó, Z., and Haraszti, K. (2002), |
Use of the SPSA Method in ECG Analysis,”
IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering,
vol. 49, pp. 1094-1101 (application
in biomedical classification problem). Top |
A. (2002), |
Effect of Noise on Artificial Intelligence and Meta-Heuristic Techniques,”
Proceedings of the Artificial Neural Networks
in Engineering Conference (Intelligent Engineering Systems
Through Artificial Neural Networks), American Society of Mechanical
Engineering Press, vol. 12, pp. 981-988
(effect of simulation-based noise on simulated annealing and SPSA).
Top |
A. (2003), |
Optimization: Parametric Optimization Techniques and Reinforcement
Kluwer Academic, Boston (book including significant
discussion of SPSA in simulation-based optimization, especially
in Sects. 7.2.1 and 12.4.3). Top
Gosavi, A., Ozkaya, E., and Kahraman, A. (2007), |
"Simulation Optimization for Revenue Management of Airlines with Cancellations and Overbooking,"
OR Spectrum (special issue on revenue management), vol. 29, pp. 21-38 (simulation-based solution to the seat allocation problem in the airline industry).
Top |
Graf, M. and Kimms, A. (2011), |
“An Option-Based Revenue Management Procedure for Strategic Airline Alliances,”
European Journal of Operational Research, vol. 215(2), pp. 459−469 (simulation-based optimization of airline capacity control process: whether to accept an incoming customer request for a seat or reject it in hope that another customer will request the seat later at a higher price).
Top |
O.N. (2002), |
Algorithms for Stochastic Approximation Under Arbitrary Disturbances,"
and Remote Control, vol. 63, pp. 209-219 (handles
general noise distributions, with connections to quantum computing).
Top |
O.N. (2003), |
Convergence Rate of the Randomized Algorithms of Stochastic Approximation
in Arbitrary Noise,"
and Remote Control, vol. 64, pp. 252-262
(optimization of algorithm parameters with dependence on distribution
of the simultaneous perturbation and smoothness of loss function).
Top |
Granichin, O., Gurevich, L., and Vakhitov, A. (2009), |
“SPSA with a Fixed Gain for Intelligent Control in Tracking Applications,”
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Control Applications, 8−10 July 2009, St. Petersburg, Russia, pp. 1415−1420 (fixed gain SPSA is considered for problem of tracking a changing minimum point; paper establishes an upper bound to mean square estimation error in case of once differentiable loss and almost arbitrary noises).
Top |
Granichin, O.N. and Izmakova, O.A. (2005), |
"A Randomized Stochastic Approximation Algorithm for Self-Learning,"
Automation and Remote Control, vol. 66(8), pp. 1239-1248 (SPSA-based self-learning [unsupervised] algorithms).
Top |
O.N. and Polyak, B.T. (2003), |
Algorithms of Estimation and Optimization Under Almost Arbitrary
Nauka, Moscow, Russia (English language contents for a book
in Russian; thorough treatment of SPSA and related algorithms under
general noise conditions). |
Granichin, O.N. and Vakhitov, A.T. (2006), |
"Accuracy for the SPSA Algorithm with Two Measurements,"
WSEAS Transactions on Systems, vol. 5(5), pp. 953-957 (proves that moments of degree from 1 to 2 for the estimates are convergent).
Top |
Grigaitis D., Bartkute V., and Sakalauskas L. (2007), |
"An Optimization of System for Automatic Recognition of Ischemic Stroke Areas in Computed Tomography Images,"
Informatica, vol. 18(4), pp. 603-614 (application to automatic recognition of ischemic stroke area on computed tomography [CT] images).
Top |
Grote, D.P., Henestroza, E., and Kwan, J.W. (2003), |
and Simulation of a Multibeamlet Injector for a High Current Accelerator,"
Physical Review Special Topics—Accelerators and
Beams, vol. 6, pp.
(optimal design for parts of a particle accelerator).
Top |
Gu, W.F., Xiang, C., Venkatesh, Y.V., Huang, D., and Lin, H. (2012), |
"Facial Expression Recognition using Radial Encoding of Local Gabor Features and Classifier Synthesis,"
Pattern Recognition, vol. 45(1), pp. 80−91 (SPSA used for estimating parameters in model new facial expression recognition scheme that is motivated by some characteristics of the human visual cortex).
Top |
Guo, C., Song, Q., and Cai, W. (2007), |
"A Neural Network Assisted Cascade Control System for Air Handling Unit,"
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, vol. 54(1), pp. 620-628 (implementation in control for a heating, ventilating and air-conditioning system, and comparison with traditional proportional-integral-derivative [PID] controllers).
Top |
Güven, T., La, R.J., Shayman, M.A., and Bhattacharjee, B. (2006), |
"Measurement-Based Optimal Routing on Overlay Architectures for Unicast Sessions,"
Computer Networks, vol. 50(12), pp. 1938–1951 (routing algorithm for load-balance of intra-domain traffic along multiple paths for multiple unicast sources; comparison with existing MATE routing algorithm).
Top |
Hahn, B. and Oldham, K. R. (2010), |
"A Model-Free On-Off Iterative Adaptive Controller Based on Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 30 June−2 July 2010, Baltimore, MD, USA, pp. 1665−1670 (paper WeC03.2) (adaptive controller applicable to servo systems performing repeated motions under strict power constraints).
Top |
Hao, L. and Yao, M. (2011), |
"SPSA-based step tracking algorithm for mobile DBS reception,"
Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, vol. 19(2), pp. 837–846 (step tracking algorithm for Ku-band mobile satellite communication used in mobile direct broadcasting satellite [DBS] reception).
Top |
He, Y., Fu, M.C, and Marcus, S.I. (2003), |
of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for Nondifferentiable
Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 48, pp. 1459-1463
(considers convergence for continuous but non-differentiable functions).
Heydon, B.D. and Hill, S.D. (2003), |
"Maximizing Target Damage Through Optimal Aimpoint Patterning,"
AIAA 3rd Biennial National Forum on Weapon System Effectiveness, 18-20 November 2003, Seal Beach, CA (simulation-based optimization to aid in targeting and minimizing collateral damage) (distribution restricted to U.S. government agencies and their contractors).
Top |
Hill, S.D. (2005), |
Stochastic Approximation with Application to Resource Allocation,”
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, vol. 26, pp. 15–21
(application to discrete optimization with discussion of resource
allocation problem).
S.D. and Fu, M.C. (1995), |
Optimization via Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,
eds. C. Alexopoulos, K. Kang, W.R. Lilegdon, and D. Goldsman, pp.
(transit systems and queuing networks).
Hill, S.D., Gerencsér, L., and Vágó,
Z. (2003), |
Approximation on Discrete Sets Using Simultaneous Perturbation Difference
Proceedings of the 37th Conference on Information Science and Systems,
12-14 March 2003, The Johns Hopkins
University, CD-ROM Paper #17 (discrete optimization method).
Top |
Hill, S.D., Gerencsér, L., and Vágó,
Z. (2004), |
Approximation on Discrete Sets Using Simultaneous Difference Approximations,”
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
29 June–2
July 2004, Boston, MA, pp. 2795–2798
(discrete minimization, including some convergence theory).
Hirokami, T., Maeda, Y., and Tsukada, H. (2006), |
"Estimation using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Electrical Engineering in Japan, vol. 154(2), pp. 30–39 (parameter estimation, including a convergence theorem and simulation study).
Top |
Hong, Y.-Y., Chang, H.-L., and Chiu, C.-S. (2010), |
"Hour-Ahead Wind Power and Speed Forecasting using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) Algorithm and Neural Network with Fuzzy Inputs,"
Energy, vol. 35(9), pp. 3870−3876 (proposes method of wind power and speed forecasting using a multi-layer feed-forward neural network with SPSA-based training; real wind power generation and wind speed data measured at a wind farm are used for simulation).
Top |
H.S. (1997), |
Measurement of a 4-D Phase Space Map of a Heavy Ion Beam,"
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, University
of California-Berkeley,
December 1997 (control to reduce alignment errors in targeting
of ion beam).
Hu, J., Zhu, W., Su, Y., and Wong, W. K. (2010), |
"Controlled Optimal Design Program for the Logit Dose Response Model,"
Journal of Statistical Software, vol. 35(6), pp. 1−17 (generating controlled D-optimal and other designs for dose-response studies, which can incorporate prior information and multiple objectives; combined with cross-entropy method for optimization).
Top |
Hutchison, D.W. (2002), |
an Efficient Distribution of Perturbations for Simulation Optimization
Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the IASTED International Conference on Applied Modelling
and Simulation, 4-6 November
2002, Cambridge, MA, pp. 440-445
(careful empirical evaluation of Bernoulli and non-Bernoulli perturbation
Top |
D.W. and Hill, S.D. (2000), |
Optimization of Airline Delay Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Simulation Symposium,
April 2000, Washington, DC, pp. 253-258
(application in simulation-based optimization).
D.W. and Hill, S.D. (2001), |
Optimization of Airline Delay with Constraints,"
Proceedings of the 2001 Winter Simulation Conference,
December 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 1017-1022
(resource allocation in airline networks).
X.D. and Familoni, B.D. (1996), |
Study of Direct Adaptive SPSA Control System with Diagonal Recurrent
Neural Network Controller,"
Proceedings of the IEEE SoutheastCon '96,
pp. 525-528
(evaluation with recurrent neural networks).
X.D. and Familoni, B.D. (1999), |
Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network-Based Hybrid Direct Adaptive SPSA
Control System,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 44, pp. 1469-1473
(a hybrid SPSA/PID adaptive controller with a recurrent neural network
as function approximator).
Top |
D.A., Wegman, E.J., Solka, J.L., and Priebe, C.E. (2004), |
Selection of Features and Metric for Optimal Nearest Neighbor Classification,"
Communications in Statistics–Theory and Methods, vol. 33, pp. 2137-2157 (pattern
recognition application).
Top |
Kiranyaz, S., Ince, T., and Gabbouj, M. (2011), |
"Stochastic Approximation Driven Particle Swarm Optimization with Simultaneous Perturbation—Who will Guide the Guide?,"
Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11(2), pp. 2334−2347 (SPSA used to guide particle swarm optimization [PSO], with finding that even if SPSA parameters are not tuned well, results of SA-driven PSO are still better than the best of PSO alone).
Top |
Kizito, R., Roggemann, M.C., Schulz, T.J., and Zhang,
Y. (2004), |
Sharpness Metric-Based Deformable Mirror Control for Beam Projection
Systems Operating in Strong Scintillation,"
Proceedings of the SPIE—The International Society for Optical
Engineering, vol. 5160, pp. 406–416 (controlling
a deformable mirror in beam projection systems).
N.L. (1996), |
Approximation Algorithms: Theory and Applications,"
Ph.D. thesis, Dept. of Mathematical Sciences (now Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics), The
Johns Hopkins University (use of SPSA in simulation-based optimization
and Berry-Esseen-type rates of convergence to normality).
N.L., Hill, S.D., and Ilenda, V.A. (1997), |
Optimization of Air Traffic Delay Cost,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 1997, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 1121-1125
(applications to air traffic network). Top |
N.L., Spall, J.C., and Naiman, D.Q. (1999), |
Optimization with Stochastic Approximation Using Common Random
Management Science,
vol. 45, pp. 1570-1578
(evaluation of SPSA and finite-difference methods in simulation-based
optimization when common random numbers are feasible).
Top |
Klie, H., Bangerth, W., Wheeler, M., Parashar, M.,
and Matossian, V. (2004), |
Well Location Optimization Using Stochastic Algorithms on the
Grid Computational Framework,”
Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on the Mathematics
of Oil Recovery (ECMOR IX), CD-ROM (optimizing oil well locations
using SPSA).
Koch, M.I., Chin, D.C.,
and Smith, R.H. (1997), |
Approach to Optimal Signal Light Timing for Integrated Transit Vehicle
and Traffic Operations,"
Proceedings of the 7th National Conference
on Light Rail Transit, vol. 2, National
Academy of Sciences Press, pp. 126-131
(control of traffic and transit vehicles at a network-wide level).
Top |
Kocsis, L., Szepesvári, Cs. and Winands, M.H.M.
(2005), |
Enhanced Parameter Optimisation in Games,"
Proceedings of the 11th Advances in Computer
Games Conference (ACG-11), 6–8 September 2005, Taipei, Taiwan (optimizing
parameters of game programs: poker, lines of actions; uses common
random numbers and antithetic random numbers).
Kocsis, L. and Szepesvári, C. (2006), |
"Universal Parameter Optimisation in Games Based on SPSA,"
Machine Learning, vol. 63(3), pp. 249–286 (tuning of the large number of parameters that are crucial for the performance of automated game-playing algorithms).
Top |
Kong, X., Yang, Y., Chen, X., Shao, Z., and Gao, F. (2011), |
“Quality Control via Model-Free Optimization for a Type of Batch Process with a Short Cycle Time and Low Operational Cost,”
Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, vol. 50(5), pp. 2994–3003 (model-free optimization method for a batch process with short cycle time and low operational cost is proposed to improve the efficiency of quality control; demonstration on quality control of injection molding process)
Top |
Kothandaraman, G. and Rotea, M.A. (2003), |
Algorithm for Parachute Parameter Estimation,"
AIAA Paper No. 2003–2118,
17th AIAA Aerodynamic Decelerator Systems Technology Conference
and Seminar, Monterey, CA, May 2003, pp. 138–148
(parameter estimation for six-degree-of-freedom parachute model).
Kothandaraman, G. and Rotea, M.A. (2005), |
"SPSA Algorithm for Parachute Parameter Estimation,"
Journal of Aircraft, vol. 42(5), pp. 1229–1235 (algorithm to estimate unknown parameters of parachute models from flight-test data without use of analytical gradients; algorithm is used to estimate aerodynamic and apparent mass coefficients in model).
Top |
Lambert, P. and Banchs, R.E. (2007), |
"SPSA vs Simplex in Statistical Machine Translation Optimization,"
PAMM − Proc. Appl. Math. Mech., vol. 7(1), pp. 1062503–1062504 (comparison using IWSLT 2005 Chinese-English data; both methods showed similar performance, but SPSA was more robust to the choice of initial settings).
Top |
Lambert, P., Banchs, R.E., and Crego, J.M. (2007), |
"Discriminative Alignment Training without Annotated Data for Machine Translation,"
Proceedings Human Language Technologies 2007: The Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, Companion Volume, Short Papers, April 2007, Rochester, NY, USA, pp. 85–88 (machine learning application in the area of translations).
Top |
Lee, J.-B. and Ozbay, K. (2008), |
"Calibration of a Macroscopic Traffic Simulation Model Using Enhanced Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Methodology,"
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting paper no. 08-2964 (parameter estimation for traffic simulation based on a Bayesian sampling approach; includes example calibration for a portion of I-880 in California).
Top |
R.R. (1997), |
Decision Support for Upgrading Complex Systems of Systems,"
Ph.D. thesis, School of Engineering and Applied
Science, George Washington University (use of first- and second-order
SPSA in simulation-based optimization).
R.R. (2000), |
Complex Systems of Systems: A CAIV Methodology for Warfare Area
Requirements Allocation,"
Military Operations Research,
vol. 5(2), pp. 53-75
(use of first- and second-order SPSA in simulation-based optimization).
Top |
Ma, J., Nie, Y., and Zhang, H.M. (2007), |
"Solving the Integrated Corridor Control Problem Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Paper #07-1065 (control of traffic in a transportation corridor using traffic signal timing and ramp metering).
Top |
Ma, J., Dong, H., and Zhang, H.M. (2007), |
"Calibration of Micro Simulation with Heuristic Optimization Methods,"
Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting, Paper #07-1282 (estimation of microscopic traffic simulation; includes comparisons with genetic algorithm and trial-and-error iterative adjustment).
Top |
Ma, J., Dong, H., and Zhang, H.M. (2007), |
"Calibration of Micro Simulation with Heuristic Optimization Methods,"
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, vol. 1999, pp. 208-217 (slightly updated version of TRB meeting paper above: estimation of microscopic traffic simulation; includes comparisons with genetic algorithm and trial-and-error iterative adjustment).
Top |
Madan, D.B. (2010), |
"Variance Swap Portfolio Theory,"
Contemporary Quantitative Finance (C. Chiarella and A. Novikov, eds.), Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 183-194 (optimal portfolios of variance swaps are constructed taking account of both autocorrelation and cross asset dependencies).
Top |
Y. (1996), |
Difference Simultaneous Perturbation Method,"
Electronics Letters,
vol. 32, pp. 1016-1018
(method for coping with nonstationarities in dynamic estimation).
Top |
Y. (2002), |
Control and Learning Using Neuro-Controller via Simultaneous Perturbation
for Flexible Arm System,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 8-10
May 2002, Anchorage, AK, pp. 2583-2588
(applications for robot arm control). Top |
Y. and Kanata, Y. (1994), |
Adaptive Robbins-Monro Procedure Using Simultaneous Perturbation
for a Least-Square Approximation Problem,"
Proceedings of the Asian Control Conference,
pp. 383-386
(recursive estimation of input-output relationship by least squares).
Maeda, Y. and Maruyama, T. (2003), |
Gradient Using Simultaneous Perturbation Without Probability Densities
for Blind Source Separation,"
Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Independent Component
Analysis and Blind Signal Separation, Nara, Japan, April 2003,
pp. 439-443 (natural gradient
method for blind source separation in signal processing).
Top |
Maeda, Y. and Toshiki, T. (2003), |
Implementation of a Pulse Density Neural Network With Learning Ability
Using Simultaneous Perturbation,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
vol. 14, pp. 688-695 (hardware
implementation of a pulse neural network).
Top |
Y. and Tsushio, K. (2002), |
Signal Separation via Simultaneous Perturbation Method,"
Proceedings of the International Joint Conference
on Neural Networks, Honolulu, HI, 12-17
May 2002 (method for extracting signals of interest from mixtures
of signals).
Maeda, Y. and Wakamura, M. (2005), |
"Simultaneous Perturbation Learning Rule for Recurrent Neural Networks and Its FPGA Implementation,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 16(6), pp. 1664–1672 (hardware implementation in field-programmable gate array [FPGA]).
Top |
Y. and Yoshida T. (1999), |
Active Noise Control Without Estimation of Secondary-Path-ANC Using
Simultaneous Perturbation,"
Proceedings of the International Symposium on
Active Control of Sound and Vibration (ACTIVE '99),
December 1999, Ft. Lauderdale, FL, pp. 985-994
(active noise control scheme).
Y., Hirano, H., and Kanata, Y. (1995), |
Learning Rule of Neural Networks via Simultaneous Perturbation
and its Hardware Implementation,"
Neural Networks, vol.
8, pp. 251-259
(pattern recognition).
Y. and De Figueiredo, R.J.P. (1997), |
Rules for Neuro-Controller via Simultaneous Perturbation,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks,
vol. 8, pp. 1119-1130
(use in neural network-based control with applications in robotics).
Y., Nakazawa, A., and Yakichi, K. (1999), |
Implementation of a Pulse Density Neural Network Using Simultaneous
Perturbation Learning Rule,"
Analog Intergrated Circuits and Signal Processing,
vol. 18, pp. 153-162
(neural network training via circuit design with gate operations).
Martin, S., Morison, G., Nailon, W., and Durrani,
T. (2004), |
and Accurate Image Registration Using Tsallis Entropy and Simultaneous
Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,”
Electronics Letters, vol. 40, pp. 595–597
(Tsallis measure of mutual information is combined with SPSA to
register images).
Martinez, J., Sawut, U., and Nakano, K. (2008), |
"Application of Non-linear Observer with Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Method to Single Flexible Link SMC,"
Proceedings of SICE 2008—47th Annual Conference of the Society of Instrument and Control Engineers of Japan, Tokyo, Japan, 20−22 August 2008, pp. 2150−2155 vibration control of a one-link flexible arm system; involves parameter estimation for nonlinear observer).
Top |
J.L. (1997), |
Guidelines for Using Iterate Averaging in Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 10-12
December 1997, San Diego, CA, pp. 2287-2290
(exploration of iterate averaging for SPSA). Top |
Maryak, J.L., and Chin, D.C. (2001), |
Random Optimization by Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 756-762
(discusses use of SPSA for global search with and without the use of
additional injected noise).
Maryak, J.L., and Chin, D.C. (2008), |
"Global Random Optimization by Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. 53, pp. 780-783 (updated version of above ACC 2001 paper on SPSA for global search with and without the use of additional injected noise).
Top |
J.L. and Spall, J.C. (2005), |
Perturbation Optimization for Efficient Image Restoration,"
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic
Systems, vol. 41, pp. 356-361
(application in recovering
an image from a degraded version of image).
J.L., Smith, R.H., and Winslow, R.L. (1998), |
Cardiac Ion Channel Conductivity: Model Fitting Via Simulation,"
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference
(D.J. Medeiros and E.F. Watson, eds.), pp.
(biomedical application involving model fitting; includes comparison
with simulated annealing).
Top |
McClary, D.W., Syrotiuk, V.R., and Kulahci M (2010), |
"Steepest-Ascent Constrained Simultaneous Perturbation for Multiobjective Optimization,"
ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation, vol. 21(1), pp. 2:1−2:22 (considers simultaneous optimization of multiple responses in a dynamic system; example in cross-layer optimization of throughput, packet loss, and end-to-end delay in a a self-organizing wireless network).
Top |
Merhof, D., Soza, G., Stadlbauer, A., Greiner, G., and Nimsky, C. (2007), |
"Correction of Susceptibility Artifacts in Diffusion Tensor Data Using Non-Linear Registration,"
Medical Image Analysis, vol. 11(6), pp. 588-603 (surgical application in image registration to localize major white matter tracts within the human brain; aim to achieve an optimal resection while avoiding post-operative neurological deficits).
Top |
Miranda, A.K. and Castillo, E.D. (2011), |
"Robust Parameter Design Optimization of Simulation experiments using Stochastic Perturbation Methods,"
Journal of the Operational Research Society, vol. 62, pp. 198–205 (considers SPSA for robust parameter design problems, with two example applications: a single-stage inventory system for which the quality of the solutions was easy to verify, and a more realistic manufacturing system). Top |
Mishra, V., Bhatnagar, S., and Hemachandra, N. (2007), |
"Discrete Parameter Simulation Optimization Algorithms with Applications to Admission Control with Dependent Service Times,"
Proceedings of the 46th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 12-14 December 2007, New Orleans, LA, USA, pp. 2986-2991 (paper ThPI25.4) (comparisons with smoothed functional technique in particular queuing problem with discrete parameter space).
Top |
Mohamed, W. and Ben Hamza, A.B. (2010), |
"Medical Image Registration Using Stochastic Optimization,"
Optics and Lasers in Engineering, vol.48(12), pp.1213−1223 (maximizes a Tsallis entropy-based divergence using modified SPSA; experimental results demonstrate accuracy of proposed approach in comparison to existing entropic image alignment techniques).
Top |
M. (1997), |
Monetary Policy Using SPSA-Based Neural Networks,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 10-12
December 1997, San Diego, CA, pp. 492-497
(application in determining macroeconomic policy).
S., Ghosh, S., Tambe, S.S., and Kulkarni, B.D. (2001), |
Neural-Network-Assisted Stochastic Process Optimization Strategies,"
AIChE Journal, vol. 47, pp. 126-141
(process control application; comparisons with genetic algorithms).
M.C. and Xu, Y. (1997), |
Strategy: Abstraction, Verification, and Replication,"
IEEE Control Systems Magazine,
vol. 17(5), pp. 48-61
(controllers involving human-machine interaction).
Ni, J. and Song, Q. (2006), |
"Dynamic Pruning Algorithm for Multilayer Perceptron-Based Neural Control Systems,"
Neurocomputing, vol. 69, pp. 2097–2111 (use of adaptive SPSA in neural network training).
Top |
Nicolai, R.P. and Koning, A.J. (2006), |
"A General Framework for Statistical Inference on Discrete Event Systems,"
Technical Report EI 2006-45, Econometric Institute, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands (common random numbers for parameter estimation in discrete event systems).
Top |
Ninan, B.M. (2004), |
"Resource Pricing for Connection-Oriented Networks,"
Ph.D. dissertation, North Carolina State University, Operations Research Program, Raleigh, NC (revenue maximization for network pricing).
Top |
Ning, Y., Tang, W., and Wang, H. (2005), |
"Hybrid Genetic-SPSA Algorithm Based on Random Fuzzy Simulation for Chance-Constrained Programming,"
in Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery (L. Wang and Y. Jin, eds.), pp. 332–-335, Springer, Berlin (genetic algorithm [GA] is employed to search for the optimal solution in the entire space and SPSA is used to improve the new chromosomes obtained by crossover and mutation at each generation in GA).
Top |
Ning, Y., Tang, W., and Guo, C. (2008), |
"Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Algorithm Combined with Neural Network and Fuzzy Simulation,"
Transactions of Tianjin University, vol. 14(1), pp. 43–49 (SPSA for solving three kinds of fuzzy programming models: fuzzy expected value model, fuzzy chance-constrained programming model, and fuzzy dependent-chance programming model).
Top |
Nusawardhana, N. and Zak, S.H. (2004), |
Perturbation Extremum Seeking Method for Dynamic Optimization
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 29 June–2 July 2004,
Boston, MA, pp. 2805–2810
(application to control problems; includes convergence theory).
Ozguven, E.E. and Ozbay, K (2008), |
"Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Algorithm for Solving Stochastic Problems of Transportation Network Analysis: Performance Evaluation,"
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, no. 2085, pp. 12–20 (comparison with method of successive averages [MSA] in solving traffic assignment problems with varying levels of stochastic effects).
Top |
Palumbo, N.F., Reardon, B.E., and Blauwkamp, R.A.
(2004), |
Guidance and Control for Homing Missiles,"
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, vol. 25, pp. 121–139
(estimation of parameters in a guidance and control model).
K. and Parisini, T. (2002), |
Learning Methods for Dynamic Neural Networks,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 8-10
May 2002, Anchorage, AK, pp. 2577-2582
(comparisons of methods based on simulated and real data).
Popovic, D., Jankovic, M., Magner, S., and Teel A.R. (2006), |
"Extremum Seeking Methods for Optimization of Variable Cam Timing Engine Operation,"
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 14(3), pp. 398-407 (automotive application where common Bernoulli perturbation distribution is modified to satisfy persistent excitation condition in control).
Top |
Poyiadjis, G., Singh, S.S., and Doucet, A. (2006), |
"Gradient-free Maximum Likelihood Parameter Estimation with Particle Filters,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 14-16 June 2006, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 3052–3067 (paper ThB08.2) (on-line estimation of parameters in nonlinear/non-Gaussian state-space models with particle filters).
Top |
Primavera, A., Palestini, L., Cecchi, S., Piazza, F., and Moschetti, M. (2010), |
"A Hybrid Approach for Real-Time Room Acoustic Response Simulation,"
Audio Engineering Society Convention Paper, presented at the 128th Convention, 22−25 May 2010, London, UK (reverberation algorithm for listening to recorded and live music).
Top |
Rădac, M.-B., Precup, R.-E., Petriu, E.M., and Preitl, S. (2011), |
"Application of IFT and SPSA to Servo System Control,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 22(12), pp. 2363−2375 (considers SPSA combined with iterative feedback tuning for estimating parameters of state feedback controllers in linear-quadratic-Gaussian [LQG] problem formulation; implementation case study concerns LQG-based design of angular position controller for direct current servo system laboratory equipment).
Top |
S.P., Mukherjee, S., Dahule, R.K., Ghosh, S., Rahman, I., Tambe,
S.S., Ravetkar, D.D., and Kulkarni, B.D. (2001), |
of Continuous Distillation Columns Using Stochastic Optimization
Transactions of the Institution of Chemical Engineers,
vol. 79, pp. 310-322
(evaluation of SPSA and genetic algorithms in a process control
Reardon, B.E., Lloyd, J.M., and Perel, R.Y. (2010), |
"Tuning Missile Guidance and Control Algorithms Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest, vol. 29(1), pp. 85–100 (automated tuning process for adjustable parameters in guidance and control algorithms for missiles).
Top |
Reardon, B.E., Palumbo, N.F., and Casper, S.G. (2002), |
Performance Optimization of Missile Guidance and Control Algorithms,"
11th Annual AIAA/MDA Technology Conference and Exhibit, 29 July-2
August 2002, Williamsburg, VA (design of algorithms under constraints;
distribution restricted to U.S. government agencies).
Renjifo, C., Barsic, D., Carmen, C., Norman, K., and Peacock, G.S. (2008), |
"Improving Radial Basis Function Kernel Classification Through Incremental Learning and Automatic Parameter Selection,"
Neurocomputing, vol. 72, pp. 3−14 (support vector machine that employs a greedy search across the training data to select the basis vectors of classifier and tunes parameters using SPSA).
Top |
C., Vande Wouwer, A., and Remy, M. (2000), |
Modeling and Control of a Heat Exchanger Based on SPSA Techniques,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2000, Chicago, IL, pp. 3299-3303
(control application).
Top |
F. (1995), |
the Use of an SPSA-based Model-Free Controller in Quality Improvement,"
Automatica, vol. 31,
pp. 913-915
(operations design and process quality control).
F. (1999), |
SPSA Controller for Operations Processes,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics
A, vol. 29, pp. 645-649
(applies penalty functions to implement constrained SPSA controller
in business application of quality improvement). Top
P. (1997), |
Optimization via Stochastic Approximation with a Simultaneous Perturbation
Gradient Approximation,"
Automatica, vol. 33,
pp. 889-892
(constrained optimization via Kuhn-Tucker considerations).
Top |
P. and Spall, J.C. (1997), |
Random Perturbations for Stochastic Approximation Using a Simultaneous
Perturbation Gradient Approximation,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 1997, Albuquerque, NM, pp. 3582-3586
(guidelines for optimally choosing the distribution of the simultaneous
perturbation vector).
P. and Spall, J.C. (1998), |
Sensor Configuration for Complex Systems,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 1998, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 3575-3579
(locating and adjusting sensors for maximizing useful information
about an object or process).
Schwartz, J.D. and Rivera, D.E. (2006), |
"Simulation-Based Optimal Tuning of Model Predictive Control Policies for Supply Chain Management using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 14-16 June 2006, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 556-561 (paper WeA16.4) (model-predictive control as the basis for inventory management policy for supply chains).
Top |
Schwartz, J.D., Rivera, D.E., and Kempf, K.G. (2005),
Control-Relevant Forecasting in Supply Chain Management,”
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2005, Portland, OR, pp. 202–207
(application to building controller to compensate for demand forecast
error in a manufacturing supply chain).
Schwartz, J.D., Wang, W., and Rivera, D.E. (2006), |
"Simulation-Based Optimization of Process Control Policies for Inventory Management in Supply Chains,"
Automatica, vol. 42(8), pp. 1311-1320 (optimal control applications to management science).
Top |
Sethares, W.A. (2002), |
Adaptive Tunings Using MAX,"
Journal of New Music Research, vol. 31, pp. 347–355
(adaptive tuning algorithm to change the pitch of musical notes
in real time).
Seyedpoora, S.M., Salajeghehb, J., Salajeghehb, E., and Gholizadehc, S. (2011), |
"Optimal Design of Arch Dams Subjected to Earthquake Loading by a Combination of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation and Particle Swarm Algorithms,"
Applied Soft Computing, vol. 11(1), pp, 39−48 (combination of SPSA and particle swarm optimization [PSO] algorithms for finding optimal shapes of arch dams considering fluid–structure interaction subject to earthquake loading).
Top |
Shara, N.M. and Flournoy, N. (2006), |
"Multivariate Optimizing Up-and-Down Designs,"
Paper presented at Georgetown University, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Washington, DC, 15 September 2006 (determining optimal doses for multiple drugs).
Top |
Shekar, S., Smith, A.J., Menz, W.J., Sander, M., and Kraft, M. (2012), |
"A Multidimensional Population Balance Model to Describe the Aerosol Synthesis of Silica Nanoparticles,"
Journal of Aerosol Science, vol. 44, pp. 83–98 (presents population balance model to describe the aerosol synthesis of silica nanoparticles from tetraethoxysilane; free parameters estimated by fitting model response to experimental values of collision and primary particle diameters using low discrepancy Sobol sequences followed by SPSA).
Top |
Sidorov, K., Richmond, S., and Marshall, D. (2009), |
"An Efficient Stochastic Approach to Groupwise Non-rigid Image Registration,"
Proceedings of the Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Miami, FL, USA, June 2009, pp. 2208−2213 (search for optimal group-wise dense correspondence in large sets of unmarked images).
Top |
J., Xu, Y., Yam, Y., and Nechyba, M.C. (1998), |
of Human Control Strategy with Simultaneously Perturbed Stochastic
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent
Robots and Systems,
Part 2, pp. 983-988
(controllers involving human-machine interaction).
Song, Q., Spall, J.C., and Soh, Y.C. (2003), |
Neural Network Tracking Controller Using Simultaneous Perturbation
Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control,
9-12 December 2003, Maui,
Hawaii, pp. 6194-6199 (model-free
controller with guaranteed stability in closed loop).
Song, Q., Spall, J.C., and Soh, Y.C. (2008), |
"Robust Neural Network Tracking Controller Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, vol. 19(5), pp. 817-835 (conic sector theory and SPSA to establish robust neural control system for nonlinear systems).
Top |
J.C. (1987), |
Stochastic Approximation Technique for Generating Maximum Likelihood
Parameter Estimates,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 1987, Minneapolis, MN, pp. 1161-1167
(early paper on SPSA).
J.C. (1992), |
Stochastic Approximation Using a Simultaneous Perturbation Gradient
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 37, pp. 332-341
(core paper on theoretical and numerical properties).
Top |
J.C. (1994), |
in Stochastic Optimization Algorithms with Gradient Approximations
Based on Function Measurements,"
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference
(J.D. Tew, M.S. Manivannan, D.A. Sadowski, and A.F. Seila, eds.) pp.
(review of several approaches in gradient-free setting).
Top |
J.C. (1997), |
One-Measurement Form of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Automatica, vol. 33, pp. 109-112
(uses gradient estimate based on only one function measurement with
potential applications with time-varying loss functions).
J.C. (1998), |
of the Simultaneous Perturbation Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization,"
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
vol. 34, pp. 817-823
(guidelines for practical implementation and choice of gain coefficients).
J.C. (1998), |
Overview of the Simultaneous Perturbation Method for Efficient Optimization,"
Johns Hopkins APL Technical Digest,
vol. 19, pp. 482-492
(survey paper on SPSA).
Top |
J.C. (2000), |
Stochastic Approximation by the Simultaneous Perturbation Method,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 45, pp. 1839-1853
(gradient-free and gradient-based methods for obtaining near-optimal
or optimal convergence rates via stochastic analogues to deterministic
Newton-Raphson algorithm; Hessian matrix estimation).
Spall, J.C. (2005), |
Carlo Computation of the Fisher Information Matrix in Nonstandard
Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics (American
Statistical Assoc.),
vol. 14(4), pp. 889-909
of simultaneous perturbation-based Hessian estimation for easy calculation of the Fisher
information matrix [as appears, e.g., in Cramér-Rao bound] in general
nonlinear problems, including analysis of antithetic random
Spall, J.C. (2009), |
"Feedback and Weighting Mechanisms for Improving Jacobian Estimates in the Adaptive Simultaneous Perturbation Algorithm,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 54(6), pp. 1216-1229
(method for improving the Jacobian [or Hessian] estimate in the adaptive SPSA method).
Top |
J.C and Chin, D.C. (1997), |
Signal Timing for System-Wide Traffic Control,"
Transportation ResearchPart C,
vol. 5, pp. 153-163
(use in building signal-timing control algorithm for traffic network).
J.C. and Cristion, J.A. (1994), |
Adaptive Control Using Neural Networks: Estimation With a Smoothed
Form of Simultaneous Perturbation Gradient Approximation,"
Statistica Sinica, vol.
4, pp. 1- 27
(adaptive control and "smoothed" gradient approximation).
Top |
J.C. and Cristion, J.A. (1997), |
Neural Network Controller for Systems with Unmodeled Dynamics with
Applications to Wastewater Treatment,"
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsB, vol. 27, pp. 369- 375
(control application and neural network training).
J.C. and Cristion, J.A. (1998), |
Control of Nonlinear Stochastic Systems with Discrete-Time Measurements,"
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 43, pp. 1198-1210
(establishes formal convergence of SPSA-based controller; also illustrates
numerical properties).
Top |
Spall, J.C., Hill, S.D., and Stark, D.R. (2006),
Framework for Comparing Several Stochastic Optimization Approaches,"
in Probabilistic and Randomized Methods for Design under Uncertainty
(G. Calafiore and F. Dabbene, eds.), Springer, Berlin,
Chapter 3 (some comparative theoretical insight into random search,
SPSA, simulated annealing, and evolution strategies).
Srinivasan, D., Choy, M.C., and Cheu, R.L. (2006), |
"Neural Networks for Real-Time Traffic Signal Control,"
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, vol. 7(3), pp. 261-272 (distributed multiagent control for urban traffic management and signal timing).
Top |
Steenis, R. and Rivera, D.E. (2011), |
“Plant-Friendly Signal Generation for System Identification Using a Modified Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) Methodology,”
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, vol. 19(6), pp.1604−1612 (considers modified SPSA version [MSPSA-K] that perturbs signal phase parameters in K subsets rather than simultaneously; method can be applied to signals with arbitrarily defined spectrum in both amplitude and frequency).
Top |
Sultan, I. and Puthiyaveettil, P. (2012), |
“Calibration of an Articulated CMM Using Stochastic Approximations,”
The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, published online 17 January 2012 (coordinate measuring machine: identify the parameters of the kinematic model in order for the accurate performance to be achieved; demonstration on five-axis revolute-joint serial manipulator robot with high degree of dexterity).
Top |
Sultan, I.A. and Schaller C.G. (2011), |
"Optimum Positioning of Ports in the Limaçon Gas Expanders,"
Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power—Transactions of the ASME, vol. 133(10), pp. 103002-1 − 103002-11 (positive displacement expanders are used in the fields of micropower generation and refrigeration engineering; SPSA is used to find the locations for the expander ports that produce the best expander performance).
Top |
Sun, C., Hirata, A., Ohira, T., Karmakar, N.C. (2004), |
Beamforming of Electronically Steerable Parasitic Array Radiator
Antennas: Theory and Experiment,"
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 52(7),
pp. 1819–1832
(optimal beamforming in antenna design).
Taflanidis, A. A. and Beck, J. L. (2008), |
"An Efficient Framework for Optimal Robust Stochastic System Design Using Stochastic Simulation,"
Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, vol. 198, pp. 88–101 (provides details on how stochastic subset optimization can be efficiently combined with SPSA for controller design; example in optimization of base-isolation system for three-story structure in face of earthquake excitations).
Top |
H., Beasley, A., Cole-Rhodes, A., and Cooper, A.B. (2002), |
Optimization of a Parametric Receiver for Fast Frequency-Hopping,"
36th Annual Conference on Information Sciences
and Systems, 20-22
March 2002, Princeton, NJ, paper no. 180 (CD-ROM Proceedings) (signal
processing application).
Thangavel, P. and Kathirvalavakumar, T. (2003), |
Perturbation for Single Hidden Layer Networks—Cascade Learning,"
Neurocomputing, vol. 50, pp. 193–209
(training in single layer neural networks).
Top |
C.-J. and Schonfeld, P. (1998),
through Simulation of Waterway Transportation Investments,"
Transportation Research Record,
no. 1620, pp. 11- 16
(example of simulation-based optimization for long-term planning
of waterway network capacity).
Top |
Tsakalaki, E.P. Alrabadi, O.N. Papadias, C.B. Prasad, R. (2011), |
"Adaptive Reactance-Controlled Antenna Systems for Multi-Input Multi-Output Applications,"
IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, vol. 5(8), pp. 975−984 (considers multi-input multi-output systems under real-life effects of spatial correlation and antenna mutual coupling; aim to maximize the communication rate).
Top |
Vakhitov, A.T., Granichin, O.N., and Sysoev, S.S. (2006), |
"A Randomized Stochastic Optimization Algorithm: Its Estimation Accuracy,"
Automation and Remote Control, vol. 67(4), pp. 589-597 (possible SPSA implementation in quantum computing).
Top |
Vande Wouwer, A. and Renotte, C. (2003), |
Approximation Techniques Applied to Parameter Estimation in a
Biological Model,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Intelligent Data Acquisition
and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications,
Lviv, Ukraine, 9-11 September
2003 (nonlinear system identification for biological models).
Top |
Wouwer, A., Renotte, C., and Remy, M. (1999), |
the Use of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for
Neural Network Training,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2-4
June 1999, San Diego, CA, pp. 388-392
(experiments with first- and second-order SPSA).
Top |
Vande Wouwer, A., Renotte, C., and Remy, M. (2003),
of Stochastic Approximation Techniques in Neural Modelling and
International Journal of Systems Science, vol. 34, pp. 851–863
(modifications of basic algorithm for use in neural network training).
Wouwer, A., Renotte, C., Bogaerts, Ph., and Remy, M. (2001), |
of SPSA Techniques in Nonlinear System Identification,"
European Control Conference, 4-7
September 2001, Porto, Portugal (SPSA for control of bioprocesses).
Top |
Vande Wouwer, A., Renotte, C., and Bogaerts, P.H. (2006), |
"A Short Note on SPSA Techniques and Their use in Nonlinear Bioprocess Identification,"
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, vol.12(5), pp. 415–422 (considers use of adaptive gain sequences, illustrating approach in context of a bioprocess model describing the evolution of batch animal cell cultures).
Top |
Vaze, V., Antoniou, C., Wen, Y., and Ben-Akiva, M. (2009), |
"Calibration of Dynamic Traffic Assignment Models with Point-to-Point Traffic Surveillance,"
Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2090, pp. 1–9 (comparison of SPSA and GA in calibration of demand and supply simulators for dynamic traffic assignment for use in providing consistent travel information and in efficient traffic management).
Top |
Velusamy, S., Bhatnagar, S., Basavaraja, S.V., and Sridhar, V. (2008), |
"SPSA Based Feature Relevance Estimation for Video Retrieval,"
Proceedings of the IEEE 10th Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), 8−10 October 2008, Cairns, Qld, Australia, pp. 598−603 (interactive video retrieval with efficient indexing from features such as color, texture, face, and audio information; optimizes feature weights in content-based video retrieval).
Top |
Venkatesh, Y.V., Kassim, A.A., and Zonoobi, D. (2010), |
"Medical Image Reconstruction from Sparse Samples using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Optimization,"
17th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 26−29 Sept. 2010, Hong Kong, pp. 3369−3372 (approach for Lp-norm [p < 1] reconstruction of medical images from compressive samples in either the spatial or transformed domain; demonstration on real and simulated images).
Top |
V. (2002), |
of Human-Machine Interaction with Applications to Information Retrieval
Proceedings of the First International IEEE Symposium
on Intelligent Systems, 10-12 September 2002, Varna, Bulgaria
(adaptive control involving human-machine interaction).
Top |
M.A., Carhart, G.W., Cohen, M., and Cauwenberghs, G. (2000), |
Optics Based on Analog Parallel Stochastic Optimization: Analysis
and Experimental Demonstration,"
Journal of the Optical Society of America A,
vol. 17, pp. 1440-1453
(application in adaptive optical-based control system).
Vorontsov, M.A. and Carhart, G.W. (2006), |
"Adaptive Wavefront Control with Asynchronous Stochastic Parallel Gradient Descent Clusters,"
Journal of the Optical Society of America A, vol. 23(10), pp. 2613–2622 (shows that division of controls into asynchronous clusters improves the system performance in an adaptive optics system).
Top |
I.-J. and Chong, E.K.P. (1996), |
Deterministic Analysis of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation,"
Proceedings of the 30th Conference on Information
Sciences and Systems, pp. 918-922
(convergence analysis via deterministic methods).
I.-J. and Chong, E.K.P. (1998), |
Deterministic Analysis of Stochastic Approximation with Randomized
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,
vol. 43, pp. 1745-1749
(convergence analysis of SPSA and random directions SA via deterministic
Top |
Wang, I.-J. and Spall, J.C. (2003), |
Optimization with Inequality Constraints Using Simultaneous Perturbations
and Penalty Functions,"
Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision
and Control, 9-12
December 2003, Maui, Hawaii, pp. 3808-3813
(method for handling general constraints; includes convergence and
asymptotic distribution theory).
Top |
Wang, I.-J. and Spall, J.C. (2008), |
"Stochastic Optimization with Inequality Constraints Using Simultaneous Perturbations and Penalty Functions,"
International Journal of Control,
vol. 81(8), pp. 1232-1238 (updated version of above 2003 CDC paper; method for handling general constraints; includes convergence analysis, asymptotic distribution theory, and numerical example).
Top |
Wang, L. and Prabhu, V. (2009), |
"A Stochastic Perturbation Algorithm for Inventory Optimization in Supply Chains,"
International Journal of Information Systems and Supply Chain Management, vol. 2(3), pp. 1-18 (considers an augmented SPSA to include ordinal optimization, non-uniform gain, and line search; comparison with genetic algorithm).
Top |
Wang, Q. and Spall, J.C. (2011), |
“Discrete Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation on Loss Functions with Noisy Measurements,”
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 29 June-1 July 2011, San Francisco, CA, pp. 4520−4525 (paper FrB10.3) (method for optimization of discrete functions in the presence of noisy function measurements).
Top |
T.M. (1988), |
Experience with Stochastic Approximation Algorithms in Large-Scale
Proceedings of the American Statistical Association,
Statistical Computing Section, August
1988, New Orleans, LA, pp. 181-186
(some early numerical experiments).
Top |
T. and Vorontsov, M.A. (2002), |
Wave-Front Distortion Compensation with a 134-Control-Channel Submillisecond
Adaptive System,"
Optics Letters, vol. 27, pp. 751-753
(application in adaptive optics system). Top |
J.E. and Hill, S.D. (2001), |
Optimization Over Discrete Sets via SPSA with Application to Non-Separable
Resource Allocation,"
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference,
December 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 313-317
(application of SPSA in discrete optimization).
J.E., Duncan, K., Richardson, M., and Bankman, I. (2000), |
Estimation in a Highly Nonlinear Model Using Simultaneous Perturbation
Stochastic Approximation,"
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods,
vol. 29, pp. 1247-1256
(use of first- and second-order SPSA in a physical model).
X.Q. and Damodaran, M. (2002), |
of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Method for
Wing Design Optimization,"
Journal of Aircraft (AIAA),
vol. 39, pp. 379-381
(comparison with simulated annealing and genetic algorithms
on an aircraft design problem).
Top |
Xing, X.Q. and Damodaran, M. (2005), |
of Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Method for
Aerodynamic Shape Design Optimization,"
AIAA Journal, vol. 43, pp. 284–294
(SPSA is compared with simulated annealing for a class of aerodynamic
design optimization problems).
Xing, X.Q. and Damodaran, M. (2005), |
Design of Transonic Airfoils Using Parallel Simultaneous Perturbation
Stochastic Approximation,"
Journal of Aircraft (AIAA), vol. 42(2), pp. 568–570
(a parallel version of SPSA to deal with inverse airfoil design
Xiong, X., Wang, I.-J. and Fu, M.C. (2002), |
"An Asymptotic
Analysis of Stochastic Approximation with Deterministic Perturbation
Proceedings of the Winter Simulation Conference, 8-11
December 2002, San Diego, CA, pp. 285-291
(use of deterministic—vs. random—perturbation vectors).
Xu, P., Li, G., and Wang, K. (2012), |
"Self Tuning of PID Controller Based on Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation," in Advances in Electronic Engineering, Communication and Management Vol.1 (D. Jin and S. Lin, eds.), Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering 139, pp. 647–652 (online tuning of parameters of a PID controller without assuming model).
Top |
Y., Song, J., Nechyba, M.C., Yam, Y. (2002), |
Evaluation and Optimization of Human Control Strategy,"
Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 39(1), pp. 19-36
(controllers involving human-machine interaction).
Top |
Yakovlev, V. and Tempea, G. (2002), |
of Chirped Mirrors,"
Applied Optics—LP, vol. 41, pp. 6514-6520
(optimization for the design of dielectric multilayer mirrors).
Yang, J.S. (2004), |
"Traffic Signal Timing Control for a Small-Scale Road Network,"
Proceedings of the 6th IASTED International Conference on Control and Applications, 1-3 March 2004, Marina Del Rey (Los Angeles), California, USA, pp. 117-122 (paper 441-048) (pilot study of the development and evaluation of a traffic signal timing control for a small scale road network in downtown Duluth, Minnesota).
Top |
Yang, J.S. (2008), |
"An Optimization-Based Approach to Special-Events Traffic Signal Timing Control,"
Control and Intelligent Systems, vol. 36(2), paper no. 201-1690 (SPSA and neural nets for signal control in the face of a sudden traffic surge immediately after special events such as conventions, sporting events, or concerts).
Top |
G., Zhang, Q., Yan, H.M., and Boukas, E.K. (2001), |
Direction Optimization Algorithms with Applications to Threshold
Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications,
vol. 110, pp. 211-233
(application in a constrained optimal control problem).
Yuan. Q.H. (2008), |
"A Model Free Automatic Tuning Method for a Restricted Structured Controller by Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA),"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 11-13 June 2008, Seattle, Washington, USA, pp. 1539-1545 (paper WeC09.5) (automatic tuning of PID controllers, with example in electro-hydraulic valve).
Top |
Yue, X. (2008), |
"Improved Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation and its Application in Reinforcement Learning,"
Proceedings of the 2008 International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering, vol. 1, pp. 329−332, 12−14 December 2008 (uses nonlinear conjugate gradient and reinforcement learning method to improve SPSA convergence).
Top |
Yue, Y. and Burges, C. J. C. (2007), |
"On Using Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation for IR Measures, and the Empirical Optimality of LambdaRank,"
NIPS Machine Learning for Web Search Workshop, 7 December 2007, Whistler, Canada (investigation of whether gradient of information retrieval performance measures, such as normalized discounted cumulative gain, might be numerically approximated given discrete nature of objective function).
Top |
Zein, S., Canot, E., Erhel, J., and Nassif, N. (2008), |
"Determination of the Mechanical Properties of a Solid Elastic Medium from a Seismic Wave Propagation Using Two Statistical Estimators,"
Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, vol. 13(5), pp. 388-407 (estimation of mechanical parameters for inverse problem consisting in the determination of the mechanical properties of a layered solid elastic medium in contact with a fluid medium; comparison with MCMC).
Top |
Zhang, J., Zhao, R., and Tang, W. (2008), |
"Fuzzy Age-Dependent Replacement Policy and SPSA Algorithm Based on Fuzzy Simulation,"
Information Sciences: An International Journal, vol. 178(2), pp. 573-583 (estimation for problem of age-dependent replacement policy in maintenance using a fuzzy simulation technique to estimate the expected value of the objective function).
Top |
Zhao, H., Li, Y., Yao, J., and Zhang, K. (2011), |
“Theoretical Research on Reservoir Closed-Loop Production Management,”
Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, vol. 54(10), pp. 2815−2824 (reservoir closed-loop production management; demonstrated reduced geological uncertainty and provided reasonable estimate of reservoir model without calculation of adjoint-gradient).
Top |
Zhou, Y.-L., Zhang, Q.Z., Li, X.-D., Gan, W.-S. (2008), |
"On the use of an SPSA-based model-free feedback controller in active noise control for periodic disturbances in a duct,"
Journal of Sound and Vibration, vol. 317, pp. 456-472
(feedback active noise control system using a model-free controller). |
X. (2001), |
"Matrix Conditioning and Adaptive Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation Method,"
Proceedings of the American Control Conference,
June 2001, Arlington, VA, pp. 1389-1395
(modified form of adaptive ["second-order"] SPSA).
Zhu, X. and Spall, J.C. (2002), |
Modified Second-Order SPSA Optimization Algorithm for Finite Samples,"
International Journal of Adaptive Control and
Signal Processing, vol. 16, pp. 397-409
(modified form of adaptive [“second-order”] SPSA).
Top |
Zonoobi, D., Kassim, A.A., Venkatesh, Y.V. (2011), |
"Gini Index as Sparsity Measure for Signal Reconstruction from Compressive Samples,"
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Signal Processing, vol. 5(5), pp. 927−932 (compressive sensing; reconstruction of a discrete signal from a set of incomplete observations using Gini index as measure of sparsity).
Top |