(Click each circle to flip over.)
The code for the new version of OpenESSENCE is now available on GitHub under openessence. Future updates will be getting pushed to this repository. Please send any questions or issues you have to contactSAGES@jhuapl.edu.
A new beta version of OpenESSENCE is available. As a beta version this release is suitable for testing and evaluation, but is not yet ready for operational use. We would appreciate your feedback on this release at contactSAGES@jhuapl.edu.
Click here for downloading and installation instructions.
A team of scientists from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory has developed a novel capability to predict the outbreak of infectious diseases. The new method, known as PRISM – Predicting Infectious Disease Scalable Model – extracts relationships among clinical, meteorological, climatic, and socio-political data.
Visit the PRISM web site for more information.
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