APL Colloquium

June 17, 2022

Colloquium Topic: The Creation & Operations of the SR-71 – A Legacy of Unequaled Excellence

An aggressive Soviet Union post-WWII led to an increasing need for Intelligence.  From modified military aircraft to the remarkable U-2s, finally the legendary SR-71 led the collection process.  President Eisenhower’s requirements demanded a whole new aircraft type, pushing the very limits of technology.  Lockheed’s incredible Skunk Works team led by Kelly Johnson accepted this seemingly insurmountable challenge. I will review Kelly’s management 15 points, the development of the Blackbirds, and finally the effective employment of these aircraft by six US Presidents.  Today, it is still the fastest and highest-flying manned aircraft in the world.  It remains a legendary vehicle without a peer.

Colloquium Speaker: Col. A. "Buz" Carpenter

Hailing from Oakland, California; Adelbert "Buz" Carpenter graduated from the USAF Academy in June 1967 and then completed pilot training at Williams AFB, AZ Sept 1968.
Aircraft Flown:

  • C-141 worldwide airlift as an Aircraft Commander – 1350 hrs
  • RF-4C in Vietnam combat with 150 combat hours and later in Japan, served as Flight Commander and Instructor Pilot – 1030 hours
  • SR-71 Flown worldwide as an aircraft commander and later Instructor Pilot with over 65+ operational missions accruing 777 hours.
  • T-38 Companion Trainer & Instructor Pilot – 550+ hours
  • USAF Blackworld programmer in Pentagon involving programs such as F-117, B-2 Bomber, F-22 and others.
  • F-4E Fighter Squadron Commander – 420 hours Converted squadron into F-16 A/Bs
  • Wing commander in Europe at Ramstein AB, Germany during the Desert Storm Gulf War.
  • Flew U-2 as staff officer – 12 + hours

Buz retired as a Colonel and currently volunteers as a Docent at the Udvar-Hazy Center of the Smithsonian Air & Space Museum, located at Dulles airport.  In 2017 he was inducted into the Virginia Aviation Hall of Fame.  He has appeared in numerous videos for the Smithsonian, Lockheed Corporation, and the Great Courses.  He also does Podcasts and participates in Air Museum symposia.  He also supports STEM-related educational and motivational events with many schools across the country.