Press Release

Johns Hopkins APL Wins Building Congress and Exchange Craftsmanship Award

A leading regional construction association has recognized the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) in Laurel, Maryland, for the Lab’s work to upgrade a critical computer networking center.

APL recently received the Building Congress and Exchange’s Craftsmanship Award, which honors people and projects in the construction industry for exemplary skill and outstanding workmanship. Each nominated project is judged on overall craftsmanship, including quality of work, technical and design complexity, and the level of difficulty with site conditions, constraints and time frame.

APL’s Business, Communications and Facilities Department (BCFD) and Asymmetric Operations Sector (AOS) were specifically honored in the Power Generation, Distribution & Switchgear category for their work on APL’s Net Center Server Room.

Sparking the project was AOS’ need to upgrade a key part of its main communications laboratories, known as Comms Central. The Net Center Server Room was designed to be Comms Central’s communications and information technology hub; it contains the switching fabric and network controllers that connect all Comms Central labs. The room also holds the power, cooling and racks for much of the IT infrastructure that AOS counts on for communications programs that support its sponsors’ needs.

“Comms Central provides APL with a collaborative environment enabling exploration, demonstration and innovation of diverse communications systems,” said Peter Jacobus, communications systems branch supervisor in AOS.

The collaboration between AOS and BCFD highlighted each department’s skills and strengths. “In AOS we define facility requirements, and rely on our partners in BCFD to design facilities and manage construction projects that meet our requirements,” said Robert Bartholet, communications systems acting assistant branch supervisor in AOS. “They did a great job with this project.”

“The BCFD team was dedicated to providing a quality project that would support the critical work of our Asymmetric Operations Sector,” said Paul Kirstukas, project manager in BCFD. “Along with knowing APL has the best facilities to meet the nation’s toughest critical challenges, the Craftsmanship Award reinforces and provides additional validation that the time and energy was worth the effort.”

The project was recognized at the Building Congress and Exchange gala in November.